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Cypress Sun

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Posts posted by Cypress Sun

  1. On 1/4/2025 at 8:24 AM, Subdeacon Joe said:


    Thanks!  One thing I hated about the single shot that I used as a little kid was how hard it was for the 5 year old me to pull back that toggle to cock it.  This solves the problem.  Well, so does a "cock on opening" bolt.





    Well, I knew I'd have to have one...I go and pick it up today and will try it out tomorrow.


    I found a thumb trigger also but the gun was in bad shape and the stock looked like one of those old cork gun stocks and would probably give you splinters if you touched it....I passed on it.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, watab kid said:

    need a lot of folks to point fingers at when the SHTF , i am pleased they have cleaned things up a bit tho , 


    Not really. All of those people on the "Executive Compensation" list, provided by Stump Water, should have been fired or forced to resign. Some should have been prosecuted. Many, including those in charge now, were LaPierre cohorts in the theft of member donations and dues. The NRA never bothered to provide an explanation of misdeeds, nor did they provide any assurance that something like that wouldn't happen in the future....they just said nothing hoping it would all wash under the bridge eventually. Nothing has changed, it's just covered up better.


    Hail to the new boss, same as the old boss. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 37 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

    Just an update, I’m buying a 97 Win from a friend who’s not shooting cowboy anymore. $300.00 great deal! There’s my house gun and I may use it for a stage or two at a cowboy shoot!


    Just remember to keep your finger off of the trigger when you close it or you WILL be in for a sudden surprise!

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

    Tupperware, belongs in the Kitchen,,, 🙂

    1911, if not a Wheel Gun....


    Jabez Cowboy


    Yer right!


    A Glock, or it's improved copy, should be in the kitchen. and the living room, and the garage, and the bedroom...heck, they're for every room!

    • Haha 2
  5. 6 hours ago, G W Wade said:

    Guy told me a use for old/ unwanted gun powder.    Pour it next to an ant hill.   Next day it will be gone.   If your curious where it went, just put a match were the pile used to be.       GW


    If it's a fire ant mound, stir 'em up, make 'em real mad...then pour the (smokeless) powder on and light it. Instant incineration and makes one feel like the powder didn't go to waste.


    I have a coffee can in the garage from pickup of live ammo from the range. No way would I ever shoot ammo of unknown quality/manufacture in any of my firearms. If I loan a gun, I loan my ammo also with very few exceptions.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

    The launch had been delayed previously due to cold temps. When that happened, I remember Dan Rather saying in reference to NASA missing its schedule, “Another black eye for NASA…”


    It was only luck that a preventable accident didn't happen before the Challenger explosion. The "O-rings" had almost burned through on previous cold weather launches. The problem was known by both Morton Thiokol and NASA. The morning of the Challenger launch, Morton Thiokol initially advised against launching but "changed" their recommendation after pressure by NASA managers with a schedule and image to keep.

    • Thanks 1

    I remember it well. I was wiring a 4 story bank in Tampa. We went up to the roof to watch the launch. Beautiful, cold day with crystal clear skies. Most of my crew on the roof that day didn't realize anything was wrong...I did. Watched the boosters spiraling and stared in disbelief at the explosion cloud that was the Challenger for a short while and went in to confirm what I suspected via the radio. A sad day for American space travel.


    Watched Reagan's speech also.


    NASA managers killed seven astronauts that day and killed seven more years later in the Columbia vehicle.


    Space travel, no matter how routine it might seem, is never routine or without risk.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Big Sage, SASS #49891 Life said:

    I received a notice that 1911a's are again for sale at the CMP. 


    I checked and the only problem I see is the price....$1,100 for a rack grade. Pretty spendy.....I'll pass.



  9. 2 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

    Found on FB as sharable.


    May be an image of text


    How would she know what "pumping the brakes" actually meant?


    Hell, I've had cars you couldn't drive with shoes on. Had to bring the brake pedal back up some way....easiest way was to wrap your toes over the top of the pedal and pump.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  10. If I know I'm calling a land line, I'll leave a voice message. Land lines are rare these days, the only one I call regularly is my Dad. I don't think he even knows where his cell phone is.


    When calling a business, or someone I don't know well, I'll leave a message if their answering machine states that they'll return the call.


    When calling friends or family on their cell phone, I rarely leave a message as their phone will tell them that they missed (or avoided) my call. I understand that it is now common practice to text someone to see if you can call them to talk in person, I think that's dumb and redundant and won't do it. If you someone doesn't want to talk, don't answer the phone...it's an age old practice!

    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said:

    It's also called bioweapon defense preparedness. I never understood why anybody wanted to stop that.


    2 hours ago, Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life said:

    Pretty much agree. 
    Sort of an extension of the MAD concept. (Mutually Assured Destruction)
    If they have it we have to have it as well   And in order to properly defend ourselves we have to have a better version so they don’t use theirs…….
    said by both sides. 
    Only a few problems, such as where does the research end? And of course both sides are at the mercy of whoever has the LEAST stable leadership. 

    :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

    Gateway Kid


    And what happens when said "defensive preparedness" accidentally (or purposefully as in China IMO) gets released?

    It wouldn't be the first time a bio was accidentally, or purposefully, released on an unsuspecting public.


    As far as where the research ends...it doesn't. It just keeps running in ever escalating, and increasingly lethal, circles.

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