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  • SASS #
    62468-Windy City Red
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Los Vaqueros, Arizona Cowboy Shooters Assn., Rio Salado Cowboys, Dusty Bunch (Casa Grande)

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    Tucson-da real wild west-Honored with Regulator status at EOT 2017

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  1. Southwest, this may be more than you want.....I have a Virgin SKB 100, with excellent bores, great wood and bluing, inertia single trigger, 28 inch barrel.. Never a cowboy gun with light use. I've been selling off my extra shotguns. First was a slicked up Stoger, then recently a slicked up CZ.  I don't need this Virgin to hunt and it's too perty to cut  and slick up. I already have 2 SKB's slicked up.  One by Johnny Meadows and one by Jimmy Spurs so I've decided to sell it...........


    I'll let this one go for $1135........... Can send pics if interested...........  prlucky299@aol.com

    1. SouthwestShooter


      Thanks for the offer.

      However the 1st thing I'd have to do would bring it to Johnny and spend about $300.00 to shorten the barrels, change to a mechanical trigger, and hone the tubes, and make it a "stay-open".


      So now it's a $1,500.00 gun.


      Thanks for the offer.


      What's the possibility of 1 of the 2 already slicked up SKB's?

    2. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Sorry but those aren't for sale. Just an FYI I have that and more in each of them..... ......Good luck in your search

    3. SouthwestShooter


      Thanks, and happy trails to you also.

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