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Posts posted by Alpo
I did not know draft horses could jump fences.
1 hour ago, Tooky Slim said:
Up Your Nose With a Rubber Hose
Did anybody say that besides Vinnie Barbarino?
You said, after a 50 round range session the screw was a little loose.
Simple solution is every time you reload it just reach up and grab that screw tighten it a little.
I have a similar problem with the screw on top of my third model Russian.
And that's my solution. Shoot a cylinder or two, then snug the screw back down.
12 minutes ago, Crazy Gun Barney, SASS #2428 said:
Excuse me (as in after getting bumped into)
I was in Sam's a few months ago and there was a man there with what I assume where his two sons. The bigger one looked to be about 13. And he was not looking where he was going and he bumped into me pretty hard.
And then he shocked me absolutely and completely.
He said, "Excuse me, sir".
If you loctight that screw in it makes it real damn hard to remove the cylinder.
A hand holding a large bronze medal with a red white and blue ribbon to hang it around your neck with.
In the center of the medal it probablyPROUDLY, damn otto, "probably"? says in large letters
You supposed the silver one says 2st?
17 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:
old as the hills
Old as the hills on Grandma's chest
2 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:
If they had one of those they wouldn't need the cannon.
That's exactly what I started to say. But then I rewatched the cartoon. It appeared that Marvin was using that as the igniter for whatever huge gun the planet buster was. And Bugs stole it so Marvin could not fire his cannon.
Birthday card. On the front it says
On the back?
Back in the long ago times, when I still smoked, I found a store that was selling Players. That's a British cigarette. And I bought a pack.
When I was over at this girl's house, she saw the box and was all - "Players!!??"
Yeah. Would you like one?
And it was like she was drinking Dom Perignon or cognac, or 20 year old single malt. She was so enjoying the taste of that British cigarette. When she got to the end she says, "One last luxurious puff", and took that last drag.
I didn't get it. Tasted like the Benson and Hedges that I was used to smoking. Damn sure wasn't worth 50 cents more a pack. When I'm paying a dollar a pack for B&H, another 50 cents for British smokes? This one time just to see what it was like but certainly not as a regular thing.
In high school I smoked these things called Winchester. They claimed it was a little cigar. It was brown instead of white, but it had a filter tip and it came 20 to a pack, so I figured they were cigarettes. And they were a quarter where Marlboros were 48 cents.
They were a little rough, and one day I ate a Reese's cup and washed it down with a root beer and then lit up a Winchester. And the flavor in my mouth was so nasty I threw the pack away and quit smoking for 2 years. That was the longest I had ever quit, until this last time which is rolling up on 40.
2 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:
Thought it might be something about finding that body.
If they ain't found Jimmy Hoffa by now I don't think they're gonna.
I hear about people making strange requirements in their wills. And I read about this one one time.
Rich guy Frank left umpteen million dollars to his nephew Tom, providing Tom gets married by the time he's 25 and he never gets divorced.
So at the age of 24 Tom marries Sally. Now he inherits umpteen million dollars.
20 years later Tom can no longer put up with Sally. And he divorces her.
What happens to his money?
By divorcing Sally he has broken the terms of the will. Does the money all get taken away and given to the next person on the list? "I leave it to Tom if he does this, but if he doesn't then I wanted to be used to establish a shelter for homeless cats." So they take all Tom's money and start building the shelter?
When Daddy got out of the Navy, in '61, he went to college on the GI Bill. And he worked part-time at the hospital. Got a dollar an hour. Mama was a registered nurse. She was making $2 an hour.
When he graduated - it was a junior college so it was just an AA - he told his boss that he was now a college graduate and needed more money. They bumped him to a buck and a quarter, but told him not to tell anybody, because everybody else working in the office still only made a dollar.
A sign at the beach in Matunuck Rhode Island.
There was a Bogey/Bacall movie. Dark Passage. He was convicted of murdering his wife and sent to prison. He escaped and is hiding with Bacall. He had complete plastic surgery.
The doctor told him to drink through a metal tube.
And if he wished to smoke to use a holder.
That one seems to be a few inches shorter than the one that FDR used.
1 hour ago, Warden Callaway said:
Don't let the screen door hit you in the a$$ on your way out. (Ellen DeGeneres)
On Hannah Montana I heard her tell somebody one time, "Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you".
Funny, but the way I always heard it was don't let the door hit you on your way out.
Mama was born in '28. She said that during the depression her daddy owned a trucking company. Paid the best wages in town. Dollar a day.
Even if you work 6 days a week, that's only $25 a month.
I recall reading of Spanish miners in the Americas who washed up "green gold" in their sluices, and threw it back into the river to finish ripening.
It was Platinum.
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While beer is slightly heavier than water, it was all the carbonation in the keg that was making it float.