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Posts posted by Alpo
M1 forgery?
That would be the Japanese Type 4. During the end of the war the Japanese had many captured M1 rifles, and they attempted to reverse engineer it to make it work with 7.7 arasaka.
This is true. He get a good Smith & Wesson revolver and I get some piece of junk plastic fantastic.
33 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:
I know that several people will be upset at me for saying this, but that's a big barrel of male bovine excrement.
It frosts me every time i hear about it. Guy complying with the law, letting the cop know he's armed, docile as a sleeping lamb. If he was going to be a danger to the cop he wouldn't have said anything, or denied that he was armed.
From my view it's just an ego boosting power play by cop.
No Joe you don't understand. It's for everyone's safety. The cop pulls me over and he should take my gun for everyone's safety. And I should take his gun for everyone's safety.
I mean, hell - fair is fair
I was watching this video this morning. Guy got pulled for running the red light.
He told the cop that it was yellow when he started under it and it turned red while he was passing. Cop told him that it was red when he started under it. And they went back and forth like that for a while.
Maybe that woman had had a similar experience. And it was yellow when she started under and when it turned red she stopped. Because she was ticketed the last time.
Interesting video by the way. The driver told the cop that he was carrying, so the cop had him get out of the truck. Then the cop would take the man's gun, "for everyone's safety". The cop did not take the man's gun. The cop's partner took the gun.
The man was wearing it IWB on his right side, and the partner drew it from the holster with her left hand. And as soon as the trigger guard was clear she put her finger in the trigger guard. Want to guess what happened next? That's right. Glock go bang. She shot the driver in his leg.
They had good video. The first cop's body cam. The woman's body cam. The dash cam on the cop car.
And after shooting the man she continued to have her finger in the trigger guard until the first cop told her to put the gun down.
It took about 2 weeks but she got fired.
1 hour ago, John Kloehr said:
So mail it to them...
After that you had to stand up to clean your plate. Because it hurt too much to sit down.
I have not had anything to do with Ruger customer service since the mid 80s.
I have, however, heard many times the Ruger now charges for repairs.
If this is incorrect, I apologize for spreading malicious rumors. But I have heard from many places that Ruger now charges for repairs. They did not use to do that.
I removed the grip frames from my us firearms and shipped them to Tru Ivory. And they fitted the grips to the frames. But when I got them back I had somehow managed to misplace one of the screws.
So I wrote us firearms and I told them that I lost it and how much would it cost to get a replacement screw.
About a week later - I never heard anything from them - I got a little package with all three screws needed to put the grip frame back on the gun. No charge. I thought that was pretty good.
Used to was, Ruger did not have a warranty. No warranty either stated or implied. But if something went wrong with your Ruger you sent it back to them and they fixed it. No charge. I sent two pistols back. Not only repaired but completely refinished. No charge. I told them I had a gun with a broken part. They sent me a replacement part. No charge.
But then Bill died. And their policy changed.
Aside from the idiotic lyrics, it's the high voices.
When you think of a military theme song - off we go into the wild blue yonder, over hill over dale, from the Halls of Montezuma, sail Navy down the field and beat the Army beat the Army Gray - you hear it in your mind with deep voices singing. Deep masculine voices. Strong soldierly masculine voices. Basses. Baritones. But not altos.
I just got out my powder scale. We must be precise. Three coffee scoops, which is how much I use to make my 12 cup Mr coffee, which is really six cups. Three coffee scoops weigh 420.24 grains. Divide that by the six cups and we get basically 70 grains of coffee per cup.
That is one 100th of a pound.
It is just recently gone up, but I buy my coffee at Sam's and it was $11.98 for a 3 lb can. That's $4 a pound. That's four cents a cup.
I don't know how much tea it takes to make a cup of tea. Tell you true, I have never used loose tea to make hot tea. And it's been a really long time since I use loose tea to make ice tea.
So maybe tea is way way lighter than coffee, and therefore you get much more per pound.
But when I'm used to paying $4 a pound for coffee, $30 a pound for tea seems outrageous.
I just went back through my records, and the last time I bought loose tea - June of '19 - it was $4.50 for an 8 oz box, so $9 a pound.
When I started reading this tthread I decided I would do a little research. And I came across this site.
On the site he gives his recommendations. He says it's available on Amazon, but most of it isn't really good. But this stuff is good.
Then I saw that it was $29. That seems kind of steep. How much tea do you get for $29? 5 lb? 10 lb?
$29 for 1 lb of tea? Yeah, I think I'll pass.
8 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:
One more reason to always put the lid down
That's why I started putting the lid down. And I have a little more sympathy for the ladies. Used to be that I would hear of women complaining - never heard one complaining directly but I keep hearing about it happening - about the guy leaving the seat up. And I would think, well damn lady, try looking occasionally before you sit down. I always look. Are women too stupid to look?
Then I started closing the lid in my house. And I will have a guest who will use the toilet, and it does not matter whether they are standing or sitting - the next time I go in the bathroom the lid is up. The seat position is irrelevant. They never put the lid down.
And that annoys me greatly.
The Aussie Humour Thread
in SASS Wire Saloon
I wonder who first came up with the idea of putting gravy on sausage?
My father used to put fried eggs on top of pancakes. That seemed disgusting to me when I was a kid, but I tried it as an adult and it's very good.
And because I put syrup on the eggs and pancakes, some ran over onto the sausage.
Now that is extremely good. The sweetness of the syrup combining with the spicy of the sausage. And I came across it accidentally.
I assume that somebody came across the idea of putting gravy on sausage accidentally. Because it doesn't seem like something you would do on purpose.