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Posts posted by Alpo

  1. Orchestra Wives, 1942.


    KNEW that had to be a movie, and not just a video. Recognized the Nicholas Brothers, and certainly knew the Glenn Miller Orchestra. But the Joker didn't play piano for Glenn Miller (although he WAS married to Harry James' wife). :)

  2. Don't recall "Toughskins". Wore "Roebucks". About the time I hit high school Penney's started selling jeans. "Plain Pockets". Just as good as Levi or Wrangler, but without any fancy yeller stitching on the back pockets, so were about five bucks less.

  3. I remember seeing Lake Pipes on a Corvair, going doen the road. Made me giggle, seeing that on a rear-engined car.


    Then one day it was in my friend's gas station, on the lift getting an oil change.


    The owner had dropped a '65 327 Vette engine in the trunk. :!

  4. My father had a similar problem. The deep freeze died.


    He complained for a week. "Last damn time I buy the floor display. Bought that in 58, and here it is 95 and it quits working. Didn't even get forty years out of it. That'll teach me. Next time I'll get one new in the box."

  5. Book I's readin' t'other day, this gal says she's gonna make her husband a tuna fish casserole, and her friend tole her that was redundant. It was "tuna".


    Seein's as how so many of y'all get upset with "hot water heater" (it's just "water heater" - why would you need to heat hot water rant rant rant) :P I wondered if y'all ate tuna, or tuna fish?


    Me, I got a gas hot water heater, and prefer Chicken of the Sea tuna fish. :)

  6. NCOs carry swords for only a few purposes. One of them is "ceremony, commanding troops under arms". Since all them orher BAMs is carryin' rifles, there is the "troops under arms". Wonder what the ceremony was?


    Aside from the "different ribbons" and "different stripes", that top one looks like a redhead.


    One should not mess with redheaded women who carry swords. If she's left-handed one should run like hell in t'other direction.

  7. Somehow I believe this is a "joke site".


    Go to the bottom and look at "OTHER ARTICLES".



    >Fight for 15 Backfires, Employers Turn to Rescue Chimps to Do Menial Tasks

    Jun 20, 2016


    Man Frustrated After Kite Flying Attempt Ends A Category Five Hurricane

    Feb 20, 2016


    Focus Group: Donald Trump Thinks So Fast, He Skips Thought Processes and Rockets Straight to Conclusions

    Jan 15, 2016


    Cow Tipping to be Included in Dutch Country Experience Tours

    Oct 16, 2015


    New Study Finds An Ounce of Gun is Worth A Pound of Police

    Oct 9, 2015<


    Kite flying attempt ends a Category Five hurricane?

  8. Two other thoughts.


    After removing the first pin, if you cock the hammer it will push the housing out of the frame a quarter inch or so. Some come out easy, some are tighter fits. This gets them all started.


    When reinstalling, make sure the hammer is NOT cocked. I don't think even Sooperdooperman is strong enough to get one in with the hammer cocked. :)

  9. What innards are you referring to?


    And on what brand gun -- Colt, Para, Springfield etc?

    The Mainspring HOUSING is a hollow piece of metal that holds the mainspring and the little cupped doober (that I can't think of the name of) that the hammer strut sits in.


    You remove the housing from the gun (drive out one pin and slide the housing down).


    Then, while applying downward pressure on the cupped doober (compressing the mainspring), you drive out another (littler) pin at the top of the housing, then slowly release the pressure. Take the spring and doober out of the old housing, put it in the new housing, compress the spring-and-doober, install the little pin in the new housing (holding the innards in place), then slide the new housing into the gun (making sure the hammer strut is in the cupped doober), push the housing all the way up and reinstall the first (longer) pin.


    Easy peesie. :)



    Oh - the guns. One Colt, one Springfield and one RIA. They all work the same.

  10. Arched,I've tried both and the flat makes the gun point low.

    Abilene Slim real easy to replace,1 pin,it slides out,slide new one in,replace pin...Done

    I've done it thrice, and each time I had to install the innards. There's a little more to it that "take old one off, put new one on".


    Even so, it's a fairly easy switch.

  11. I was watching some movie one time, and they were giving numbers over the radio.


    Fiver and Niner. That kinda defeats the purpose. Niner is so the listener knows you're not saying Five. Calling Five "Fiver" makes the two numbers sound alike again.


    That came floating up from memory when I heard Ferb, in episode one, explaining to Walt that "klicks" was the new term for "miles".

  12. I think this one is one of my weirder ones.


    Leave us suppose that you have a niece (or nephew) the same age as you, or even older. It can happen. For example, your daddy was a "change of life baby", so his brother is 20 or more years older than him. Or (as in You've Got Mail) it was a second marriage for your grandfather.


    So there you are. Six years old with your eight year old nephew.


    Would you require he call you Uncle (or Aunt, as the case may be)?

  13. >The Western Union Phonetic Alphabet:

    Adams Boston Chicago Denver Easy Frank George Henry Ida

    John King Lincoln Mary NewYork Ocean Peter Queen Roger

    Sugar Thomas Union Victor William X-ray Young Zero<


    That, except for A, is what they used on Adam 12.


    Wonder why it was just ONE Adam, instead of the multiple?

  14. Deep in my rememberer, it assures me that I saw an EASY recipe for mincemeat bars - you took the box of Nonesuch and sliced it.


    That was it. Took that block of mincemeat and sliced it into bars. Can't get much easier than that.


    So I was just attempting to verify my rememberer, and while I can find dozens of mincemeat cookie/bar recipes, I don't find that.


    So - has anyone heard of this (or even better, tried it)?

  15. It's called In A Valley Of Violence. Stars Ethan Hawke (whoever he is) and John Revolting (Ba Ba Baa, Ba Ba Barino).


    It was not too awful bad.


    I woulda been bummed if I'd dropped 7 to 10 bucks at a theater, but for a dollar fifty out of Redbox, it was okay.


    And though it pains me to say this, Travolta did a damn fine job. He was completely believable all through the flick.


    That Ethan guy - not so much.

  16. http://www.maa.org/book/export/html/116851


    About halfway down the page there's a picture of a man in uniform holding a quill in his left hand. The caption says, in part:


    At this time, the entrance age was 14-18 years, and the only entrance requirements were that the cadets be well versed in Reading, Writing, English Grammar and common Arithmetick, including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions and the extraction of square and Cube Roots.


    That seemed to be about 1820.

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