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Posts posted by Alpo

  1. I read about this the other day. Don't recall if it was here that I read it or not.


    In California they have two airplanes that are capable of flying out over the ocean and flying down near the surface and scooping up a belly full of water and then flying over the fire and dumping it, then flying back over the ocean and scooping up another belly full.


    They have other planes that can drop water on the fires, but they have to go back to the airport and land and then get their tanks filled up from a hose. That takes a while. These two planes just fly out of the ocean and scoop up a belly full. Much quicker.


    So there's some dork that's got a drone up there taking pictures. Drone strike. Put a hole in the wing of one of these planes. And he had to go back to the airport and land and they had to fix the hole. Took a couple hours.


    In that couple of hours he could have dumped six or eight loads of water.




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  2. Took the dog out after supper to drain her, couple of days ago. Now before we go out I always check the temperature, to see how much clothes to put on.


    48. That's not cold. Not really. So I've got on my ball cap and a jacket, but no heavy coat, no gloves, no watch cap. It ain't THAT cold.


    Friends and neighbors, when it's been raining all day, so the humidity is about 117%, and it's 48°, and there's a 27 knot north wind blowing - yes it is. It is THAT cold.


    But I tell myself I can survive this.


    I am regretting this decision by the time I get to the end of the driveway. Normally for the evening drain we walk about block and a half and turn around and come back, and in that three block round trip she does all she needs to do.


    We were maybe 20 feet past the border of my yard and the yard next door, and I'm telling her to just squat down and pee, for God's sake, pee so we can go back in the house.


    She not only wanted the whole three block trip, she wanted to saunter.


    I like to froze.

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  3. Kevin Costner movie about Frank Hamer and the take down the Bonnie and Clyde.


    And this video is by the man that supplied the guns for the movie.


    I like it quite a bit, 'til he got real near the end and mentioned a shotty.


    Oh well. I guess people can't be perfect.



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  4. This just popped up in the memory.


    Commercial, several years ago. Airport waiting room. And there were several people that wanted to play on their laptops but they had no internet. And this little girl kid opened up the Wi-Fi hotspot on her iPhone and suddenly all these people could do whatever they needed to do.


    As I say, it's been several years since I saw this. I want to say she was charging them, but I don't really remember.


    But if this had actually been happening, instead of being a TV commercial, would there be a limit on how many devices could work off of her hotspot?

  5. 5 minutes ago, Buckshot Bear said:


    We don't learn, most garden nurseries and hardware (garden) stores sell it wrapped on a pine cone (another non indigenous thing here) and it isn't cheap!! -





    By hand

    Spanish moss is easy to remove from the host plant though accessing plants may be difficult if they are growing in tall trees. Plant material should be disposed of appropriately."



    Yep. Dispose of appropriately. Throw it in a fire.


    But be shirtless when you're doing it, because everybody needs to get chiggers at least once in their life. B)

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