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H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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Posts posted by H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

  1. I need help with the reloading dies of the 45-70

    What are the best dies

    I am using the Redding 80209

    with the Lee factor crimp

    the bullet setter is not working on 500gr projectiles

    Please let me know what dies to get?



    • Like 1
  2. I looked it up. The NFA '34 actually does call them "Silencers." What is all this "Suppressor" terminology?


    That said, their is one SASS legal pistol that can use a silencer. The Nagant. I got 2 of 'em.... :)

    • Like 2
  3. If your side match is speed based, it'll be too slow.

    If your side match in accuracy based, it'll be just fine.


    I've been to a few big matches that have both. I tend to use something DA in the speed ones, but my Merwin & Hulbert Spur trigger .38 in the accuracy ones.

  4. Trail Boss.


    I started out with 4198, but while the "Trapdoor safe" loads were fine in my 1884 Trapdoor RIFLE, were real shoulder thumpers in my 1873 Trapdoor Carbine and 86 Winchester with a 20" barrel.


    Switched to Trailboss and now it is a very pleasant round to shoot in all those guns.

  5. I believe that a .56-.50 is a .50 caliber round. The Spencer cartridges are the diameter at the base and the moth diameter. The .56 Spencer was the first Spencer cartridge amd was renamed .56-.56 when the rifle started being offered in other chamberings.


    How about a .56-.50 revolver with a cylinder that spins around a 12 gage barrel, like a LeMat? Talk about a weapon of mass destruction!


    Yes, the 56-50 Spencer is a .50 caliber cartridge. Uses .512" bullets. (Just like the .50 Browning, but not the same ones!)


    The 56-56, 56-50 and 56-40something all used the same cartridge case. The smaller bullets just had more crimp in them. At least, that's how they are described in the articles I have read.

  6. Based on the original post, I figured the stage was probably written something like this...


    Draw first pistol and engage target

    Make pistol safe

    Use shotgun to engage target twice

    Make Shotgun safe

    Use rifle to engage target

    Make Rifle safe

    Use Shotgun to engage target twice

    Make Shotgun safe

    Draw second pistol and engage target.



    Seems pretty straightforward to me. Don't see what all the fuss is about.

  7. The first problem would be is that it would be an NFA registered firearm. A handgun over .50 caliber would require a tax stamp. Not overly hard to do. Hamilton Bowen built a .575/585 caliber revolver a number of years ago. But it did require BATFE approval and stamp.



    I have wondered about that.


    If the Spencer rifle does not require a stamp, why would a pistol in the SAME caliber need one?

  8. Is it just me, or does the thought of a single action revolver chambered for the 56-50 Spencer round sound really cool?


    I mean, if they can make those .50 caliber super magnums then certainly one for this old and relatively calmer cartridge would be possible.


    Purely speculative of course.

  9. Contrary to apparently popular belief, Gunfighters do not have to draw both pistols at the same time. The one time I tried Gunfighter, there was a state with split pistols. I shot it double duelist. Caused some confusion but somebody checked they handbook and saw that it was a perfectly legal way to do it.

  10. PPU ammo is very nice quality. And no longer made under communist management. And makes reasonable empty brass to reload.


    It is, however, not made in USA. :lol:


    Good luck, GJ



    My experience with PPU is excellent. Especially in .30 Tokarev. Great brass, about the same price as that "Red Army Standard" stuff, but is reloadable. They also have good .30 Mauser stuff. Very inexpensive compared to some of the others in both of these calibers. A great way to get brass for both of these harder to find calibers.


    They even make affordable ammo in that weird Nagant cartridge.


    Not sure what else they have available.


    I wonder how many people that criticize the M-9 have spent much time learning how about it and how to shoot it. It has a far longer production history than the 1911 and has been as much combat as the 1911.




    I have one made in 1913. Used it at End of the Trail last year. Colt is STILL making them in one form or another.


    The M9 is no where near over 100 years old, and even though I have one, I doubt very much if after it is itself over 100 that my theoretical grandson will wanna shoot it in a competition.

    • Like 1
  12. Sounds like your crew has about 46.23% of the 44SP guns used in SASS competition.


    I must have another 4% I've got 2 Sheriffs models, that accounts for .5 since the barrels are so short. I also have a 12" Buntline that accountes for 3.5 since the barrel is so long.



    That being said, a few years ago, I saw an original Russian in an antique store for $300 that was in excellent condition. I didn't buy it cuz I didn't wanna tool up for a new caliber and it could not safely be converted to .44 Special.


    I have regretted that decision ever since.

  13. Does that mean a lot of used Berettas will be going on sale?


    Not unless we get a new law to allow it. See, this is why I thought that the law that authorized the sale of 1911 .45s via the CMP should have said, "Any surplus pistols regardless of caliber or action type." While we're at it, let's let just the law authorize it without needing the Secretary of the Army's permission and not limit the total to 10000 a year.


    (I hope someone suggests this to President Trump!)

  14. great tune and words


    reminds me of Marty Robbins and "Big Gun on his Hip"




    Big Iron, actually.


    A couple of years ago, we had a costume day where I work. I wore my SASS duds. They said anyone who was brave enough to pick up the microphone and sing would get a free lunch. Guess which song I belted out!

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