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H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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Posts posted by H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

  1. 1 hour ago, Boggus Deal #64218 said:

    I got one of these...



    It is currently being "customized."   It's getting conventional sights, the forestock is being replaced with a standard size one instead of the fat one it does have, the stock is being cut to be just a pistol grip, and the lever loop is being enlarged.   In otther words, it'll be what the Mare's Leg should have been.  :)

    Won't be SASS Legal, but it'll be FUN.

    I'll also have a non cut shoulderstock to use it as a short rifle if I want to.   Not crazy about the muzzle cap, but not much I can do about that.

  2. Looks like a Rossi to me with that bolt top safety.

    Why do new companies insist on calling themselves the same thing as long defunct ones and then not bother to recreate what their namesake was famous for?

    Looks like they are not doing a more traditionally designed one either.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Abilene, SASS # 27489 said:

    Here it is on Taylor's website: https://www.taylorsfirearms.com/tc73-rifle-18-9mm-tuned.html 


    Seems a little pricey but Made In USA is worth it to some.  Looks to me like a hacksaw to the muzzle would make it SASS legal.


    Check the barrel length.

    I have one of their 16.5" 86's with with the threaded barrel.   I thought about cutting off the threads, but the are .5" long, and that would take the length of the barrel, theoretically, to exactly 16".   I don't wanna risk the wrath of the ATF over the barrel being 1/16th" too short.

    It would be nice if there was a smooth cap to make it look better, but dang it, the cap is on there so tight that I can't get it off!

  4. One thing to consider with .38 Short Colt, and .38 Long Colt, is the bore size.   Older guns have a bore diameter of .375" and used a heel based bullet.   At some point, they switched to .357" and an inside the case bullet.  If you've got an older gun with the bigger bore, and you don't want to mess with heeled bullets, you need to used hollow based ones to get them to expand enough to engage the rifling.

    I know.  I have have guns with both bore sizes, and I use the smaller bullet with a hollow base with no problems.   I use a 150 grain hollow base .358" bullet from Buffalo Arms.   For years, it was the ONLY bullet I could find that fit the bill   There are others on the market now of lesser weight if that is something you prefer.  

    Also, if you've got a big bore pistol, it might be black powder only.    And the smaller bore may or may not be safe for smokeless.   Do the research on your gun to be sure.

    For smokeless, I've used 1.2 grains of Trail Boss in the Short Colt, and 2.0 grains in the Long Colt.

    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, watab kid said:

    i wwould think a left holster would be doable , thats another great looking revolver - if it were me id not shoot those in our game 

    I've only used the gold one at one match.   It's unlikely I'll make it a regular usage one.   That gun will just be an occasional plinker.   Same for the Patton gun.  I'll use it at least once, and then let it be an occasional informal plinker for fun.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Dogmeat Dad, SASS #48563L said:


    Holli & I were there at EOT 35!  Shot the warm ups clean and was thinking I had it in the bag.   B)   First shot down range at the main match, Pistol Miss! :o  Still had a great time.   Some day......




    That EOT was my first clean match ever.   I tell you, on the last stage, I REALLY felt the pressure.   I think I shot that stage slower than any one I ever have..


  7. As others have pointed out, one of the best things about a clean match, usually the big ones, is that you get a cool pin for shooting the match clean.



    The first one I got was the End of the Trail one.   That was shot with my AWA Lightning, my father's 3rd Generation SAA with a 4.75" barrel and a 5.5" Armi San Marco clone.   All were .45 Colt.  The shotgun was a 30" 97.

    The second one the left hand Hellfire one.   While the rifle, first pistol and shotgun were the same, the second pistol was, my gold plated Colt Ft. Desmoine Restoration commemorative. 

    The Mimi Match Hellfire has a story behind it as well.   Among other things they do a 3 stage "mini warm match" before the main event.  I shot that clean, but there was no recognition for doing so.   So, I offered to donate some mini match pins so that anyone who shoots it clean going forward gets a pin.   This was with the proviso that anyone who shot it clean the year before (like me) got to claim a pin as well.   Irritatingly, THAT year, I had one miss in the mini match.

    But, that same year, I got my second Hellfire clean match pin.  That one was based on "Westerns through the decaded."  Each stage was based on a movie from a different wester from a specific decade.   So....   I used different guns on every stage, based on guns that appeared in that stage.  One stage even had me using my Spencer!   Slow as a snail, and I think I came in dead last, but I shot it clean.  :)   

    And I had fun doing so.

    My goal is always to shoot a clean match, irregardless of any recognition I may or may not get.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, watab kid said:

    that is one really nice revolver and thats a really nice holster - shame the two arent together , not suggesting anything other than both owners seeking out the missing bits to put history back together , 

    I wonder if they made a left handed version of the holster?


    So should I pair it with this at a shoot?




    It came with mother of pearl grips.   But we all know what a certain someone said about pearl grips, so I got these mammoth ivory ones for it.

    And this one is a real Colt.

  9. 19 hours ago, Abilene, SASS # 27489 said:

    Real engraving, not laser.  And the laser-engraved Pattons they came out with later don't have the lanyard ring.  Nice find!

    Yeah, I've seen those laser engraved ones.   Not only do they look cheap, they are not C&R and are not accurate to the original like these were.


    2 hours ago, Kid Rich said:

    He's from MA they're not allowed to post pics.

    kR  :rolleyes:

    They haven't outlawed THAT yet!   


    I am actually glad Uberti did this and not Colt.   If it had been Colt, it would be stupid expensive.

    I also have a theory about this pistol; it may be at least partially responsible for the way the ATF stopped giving brand new Colt commemorative pistols C&R status right out of the box.   That stopped happening in the late 80's.  This pistol came out in 1987, and was made by Uberti.   Granted, it is very nice, but I think they "realized" that this could be used as a precedent for anybody and his brother creating new C&R's just by fancying them up a bit.  So, they stopped doing it for everyone, including Colt.   This was the only Uberti commemorative to get C&R status according to the list.   Things less than 50 years old CAN still get on the list, but we don't see the commemoratives getting it automatically anymore.   (Not that Colt makes as many commemoratives anymore anyway.    I still can't believe there wasn't a Ronald Reagan 1911 commemorative in 2011.)

    Yes, I WILL shoot it at a match eventually.  :)

    • Like 6

  11. I have wanted one of these ever since they first came out in 1987.    I've seen a few over the years, but for a way over inflated price.  

    Well, I finally found one for a reasonable price!   I have to say that they look mighty fine.  Fully engraved in a manner very similar to the original, and yes, real silver plating.   But not real ivory grips.

    Glad to have finally found one.

    • Like 5
  12. I enjoy occasionally posting videos myself shooting.   The most common reason I do so is to showcase a particular gun being used.   Occasionally, someone has commented on "you moved your foot illegally" which led to a discussion as to if I did or not, but it doesn't bother me.  Oddly, no one has ever commented to the effect of "if you did this" or "if you didn't do that" your times would improve, even though I am sure that with a slow shooter like me, there are plenty of examples.

    Rather, even when the video I post is an absolute train wreck, I would hope that people can see that I am having lotsa FUN at the time.   I think that's the most important thing.   And on those occasions when someone mentions something that can or should be different for whatever reason, I always welcome the comment, as I know it is meant to be helpful.

    I also occasionally am surprised by what I see.  Like how I think I did slightly better with a pre-83 94 than I did with a pre-safety Rossi 92.

    Oh well.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Texas Jack Black said:

     Why is it that for years TB has been used with no issues posted. Now we hear of issues ? Humans😉


    Actually, people have been complaining about TB for as long as I can remember.   Some folks, like me, love the stuff and say so.  Others have a very negative view of it for various reasons, and have said so.   It seems to be a love it or hate it kind of powder.

    • Like 1
  14. 12 hours ago, watab kid said:

    I have to ask, is this the new Trail Boss or the old?


    I gotta ask, what new Trail Boss?

    I sent Hodgdon an e-mail asking about, mentioning how people are seeing it Australia.

    I got a response saying that it's an "active SKU" but that they have not been able to source any and hope to get it back on the market soon.


    I am sad to say that I think it's been discontinued, but they don't wanna admit it.

    • Like 1
  15. 19 hours ago, Rip Snorter said:

    John Roberts, manning up would be useful.

    I have long felt that the so called 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court is not.  

    It's really a 5-3-1.  Five Conservatives, three Liberals and one squishy Moderate that you have no idea where he's going to go.   He's been leaning more right than left of late, but that's only since President Trump replaced the other Moderates with real Conservatives in his first term.   I was "afraid" that if one of the Conservatives were to leave the court during the Biden years, we'd be at 4-4-1, and the squishy one would move back to the left again.

    There is a good chance that President Trump will get to make 1 or 2 more picks in his new term, but the odds are that it will be replacing leaving Conservatives with new ones, leading to no real change on the Supremes.   The chances of one of the three Liberals leaving in the next four years are slim.

    • Like 2
  16. Perhaps this is wishful thinking but...

    Article IV Section 1 of the Constitution reads....

    "Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof."

    Seems to me that reciprocity already exists.  Or at least it should.   We need the Supreme Court to weigh in on this.   The lack of reciprocity is unconstitutional.

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