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Ivery Keys #11974

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    Tejas Caballerros

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sand Hill Ranch, Fayette County, Texas
  • Interests
    Raising Quarter Horses, Shooting, Shooting, and Shooting, and ranching in general.

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  1. Neches, where are you located?  We may be able to pull off a FTF regarding your rolling block...



  2. Hey, Abilene, just checking up on you, you all doing ok?  We miss shooting with you!!!

    Highest Regards,


    1. Abilene, SASS # 27489

      Abilene, SASS # 27489

      Howdy Ivery!  I'm doing good, shooting almost every weekend.  Miss you guys, too.  Andy talks about y'all sometimes.  The Caballeros are bringing back Whoopin' Ass this October at their Blanco range.  Maybe?  

      Take Care!


  3. Rex,

    I would like to purchase your Kimber .22 conversion kit for 1911.  I can do MO, personal check, or Paypal, and am willing to try any other method you prefer...



  4. Dusty, for $40 shipped, I would like to purchase your had...please let me know your preferred payment method...



  5. Too Tall, 

    Get me your contact information, and I will get you a MO in the mail...




  6. bolt action Mossberg is what I cut my teeth on, great gun usually at a great price...
  7. Thanks, Kid, got the pictures very nice looking print. Ivery
  8. And do not forget that some people have a temper that flares, then when they cool down come back to being regular civilized folks. Remember Captain Call whipping the scout. Let it go, unless the other person brings it up. As said before, water under the bridge. Regards, Ivery
  9. Can you send a photo to iverykeys@twc.com? Having trouble navigating Amazon photos. Thanks, Ivery
  10. Thanks, everyone, looks like the recommendations are unanimous. As always, I appreciate your insights.
  11. Over the years I have had several nipple wrenches, mostly from starter kits or came with used revolvers. Nearly all have deformed with use. Any recommendations for a replacement wrench for standard revolvers? I have my ROAs covered because of the way their nipples are made. I need something for the copies which will not break or ruin Thanks, Ivery
  12. I second that idea, love mine.
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