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Blackwater 53393

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Everything posted by Blackwater 53393

  1. Recognizing Exceptional Service
  2. JUST… walk away!
  3. Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge in the sixties
  4. I sold mine a couple of years ago. It was an original first year S1 White Lightning. It was also the only black one I have ever seen or heard of. Those first year bikes didn’t have the speed governed down like the later ones and would far outperform the later models. I did several minor modifications to it and had some serious tuning done to it, (carb and ignition) which brought it up to a really respectable level. It also produced some great gas mileage. If I didn’t push it and stayed off the throttle, it would get well over 50 mpg. I once filled it all the way to the muzzle and got 325 miles without running it dry. I sold it when the nerve damage in my foot and leg got to where it was difficult to shift gears comfortably.
  5. Schwarzenegger For Governor!!
  6. I ran the Michelins on my Buell. They did the same as you describe! The Buell was impossible to keep tires on! That thing ran like Jack the Bear out of the hole if you crowded it at all and I literally dragged the leather off the toes of my boots in the turns sometimes. It certainly handled better than most any bike I have ever ridden very far! The Michelins are made for just that purpose and are NOT made for mileage! I kept buying them because they made me feel a little more safe when I’d get aggressive! That bike was prone to encouraging aggressive riding. Schoolmarm hated to ride with me if I was on that thing. She’d just let me ride off and when I backed off, she’d catch back up on her Sportster and wave that “teacher finger” at me like I was one of her fourth graders being scolded!!
  7. Looks a lot like the Avon Venom tire that I’ve run on our bikes for many years. It’s a great tire with long life and that pattern gives surprising traction in the wet. I DID have to go to a larger rear tire on my old bike after we rebuilt it and jumped up the engine performance. I don’t do burnouts or intentionally spin the tire, but with the new engine and the lower first gear in the six speed, it will just haze the tire on mild to hard acceleration and the standard width tires played out pretty quickly. I first went to a 180 Continental, (the Conti Tour) and when it didn’t last much longer, I tried the Venoms. They were pretty new at the time and the improved tread pattern and better compound did the trick. ’Course, the last few years, I haven’t been able to ride because of this damned foot issue, so I’m a little behind on all the new tires of the last five years or so. Hope they do well for you. I’m hoping to be riding in the spring and I’ll expect a report.
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