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Blackwater 53393

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Blackwater 53393 last won the day on January 13 2021

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About Blackwater 53393

  • Birthday 01/12/1953

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    ROI ROII Wartrace Regulators,Highland Regulators, North Alabama Regulators, Rock Castle Rangers SCORRS Member, Co-founder Insane Clown Posse

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    near Music City
  • Interests
    In no particular order. History, music (Southern Rock/Blues/Oldies), racing (cars/motorcycles), motorcycling, weapons (mostly guns and knives), baseball, toy trains, WWII, cowboy shooting (targets of course), reading, and my wife and family.

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  1. Hey Blackwater I have a close friend that wants to know your real name. He’s been in the nmusic business for over 30 years. Now he does the sound system every year at the state fair in Louisville   His name is Eric Yates. He believes he knows you. He had a Rock Band a Long time ago, he comes from a line of musicians. His band was Hush.


    1. Blackwater 53393

      Blackwater 53393

      I’m Tommy Roehrich. My band is Milkbone and I’ve also worked with Dean Hall, Tom T’s son, on the NASCAR infield tour when Winston was the major sponsor.

    2. Tennessee Trapper Tom

      Tennessee Trapper Tom

      Eric says he knows of you but doesn’t think he’s met you. At one time he was on stage with Buddy Guy. He had a stroke about 10 years ago and is struggling to get back. Like you he is extremely talented. After that he went back to college and got his degree in music. Now he does the sound for my church which a youth band that he a Mike Smith ( another old rocker now our preacher) teach the youth music.  My wife at one time was a sound writer, I played both saxaphone and guitar. I stupidly gave it up when I left home. My band teacher  in New Dorp high school Staten Island New York was Nino Morealle (spelling obviously screwed up) He and his family were in the first movie The Godfather.  I’ve always at the very least stayed somewhat connected. I haven’t shoot with you sin ce 2014/2015. Small world.  Thanks for responding. Wish I could shoot with you again it was always a pleasure.

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