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Yellowhouse Sam # 25171

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Everything posted by Yellowhouse Sam # 25171

  1. Just get it done! No wonder executions cost so much due to endless appeals!. Sure didn't take long to take out McVeigh so why not the same for all this other trash!
  2. Jeez you mean we might have an event that doesn't include a parade of howling, wild eyed, dopeheads with hardly any clothes?
  3. Same here but it seems some younguns out voted me so we had some in the house to my Dads chagrin. Funny, later on he would up with a lap dog too.
  4. Reading the manual is the first step then ask questions. I use 40 gr of 3f as a target load out to 50 yards and up to 70 for 100Yds in th 50 cal. You may find your most accurate load by stepping up 5 gr at a time but generally theres no use sense in blasting 80 gr at a 25 yd six-bull. 3f burns a little cleaner. Even more important is your ball patch combo. Buddies find that the time honored .490 ball and .011 patch in a TC is quite accurate....sometimes a .495. This is something you'll have to work out for your rifle! My own custom rifle with deep rifling uses a .498 ball, 018 patch and 50 gr of 3f for max accuracy. This is too hard to load in the hunting field for follow up so the second load is a .490 ball, 012 patch and 85 gr of KiK or Goex 2f. This goes down easy over fouling and is plenty accurate. I use a spit patch for target and wipe every 5 shots. If you try to drive a lubed patch ball down a fouled bore you're asking for trouble however a spit patch works like magic. You'll need a short starter and a stainless steel or brass range rod. Its hard to beat the new bore lube but prefer and mix of mutton and deer tallow.
  5. Y'all forget an even more sinister advocate for interference. The AIR FORCE ACADEMY!!!!
  6. I can't dance on the same woodworker floor with Yul but am a budding woodturner/hobbiest with an appreciation for old hand tools and magical sources of new wood. Add guns, pocketknives, watches, marbles, old fishing lures, coins, western history books, indian artifacts, and nature in general then you have the consummate "I gotta have it" syndrome.
  7. I never had a chocolate problem but pecans, walnuts, and such have enslaved me.
  8. Probably saved lives in that it kept innocent citizens of Japanese descent from being harmed or killed by vigilantes for the Japanese army atrocities against Allied soldiers
  9. All humorous in a way as we relish bologna, hot dogs, and viennie sausage here in the US. We just grind up all that other and masquerade it as passable fare.
  10. $7.97/100 before tax has been the going price at our Walmart for some time. Most places its 10 bucks.
  11. Badger, we're jealous! Would you like to buy some guaranteed winning tickets for last weeks powerball? Only $1000 apiece!
  12. I don't see how anyone could stand the blast off a howitzer. Shoot, a Civil War cannon would give em all a run for their money.
  13. Had an uncle named Myrtis. When he joined the Army it got changed to Jerry. I'm sure the Japanese felt a lot better getting bombed by a fellow named Jerry.
  14. Yeah, what happened to Penn State? Not any fan of theirs but......
  15. Can't argue at all....Oklahoma at this point might be a better match than Michigan. Sorry bout that Gunner!
  16. I wouldn't mind learning more about your trip and outfitter if ya got time.

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