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Yellowhouse Sam # 25171

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Everything posted by Yellowhouse Sam # 25171

  1. In our country it was the rural mail carrier you had to look out for.
  2. Hadn't thought of Clover Leaf in a long time!
  3. The chikin hawks are now down 29-13 with 14 minutes to go in a la kluster effort. Do believe they are through for the season.
  4. Works pretty good for Oklahoma and north Texas too.
  5. Congratulations! You'll do fine and forget about work in due time just like I did.....in about 5 seconds.
  6. They are purdy....think I'll take a gander at the smooth version for the .44
  7. Have all these peeves been vaccinated?
  8. Johnson-Sims Feud Frank Hamer's Romeo and Juliet...etc. Legacy of Pink Higgins Higgins-Horrell fight... Vengeance is Mine Back when you could kill hell out of people in crimes of passion and get by with it. Really good book. As you probably know Bill O'neal also used Bill Neal and he wrote numerous good biographies and histories. Good to see you after all these years in person!
  9. Whoops I didn't notice that Bill Burt had already posted on this. Please remove! Mableton GA Gunshop ....dufus reporters asked if the owner would be charged with anythi
  10. And if its pier and beam construction is there a ground seal? Even at that if its too close to the ground and not enough ventilation or drainage you can have some mold and rot. Always the obligatory termite inspection as well. I had one in Tifton, Ga that fit what I just described.
  11. Factory loadshuh. Probably cant do much better than the +p ammo from Hornady or Nosler!
  12. Some years ago Winchester tried to get into the Cowboy act and made some 94's in 44-40. Suffice to say they didn't cycle well and were a bust. I picked one off the table in Mesquite and remarked that it was made way after WWII. The 'deer in the headlights' look told me that this dealer had been taken but he wouldn't budge off his $1800 dollar price nor agree to the vintage despite being shown in Blue book right there on the table.
  13. The 86 has a slow twist for lighter bullets and wont stabilize the longer and heavier bullets much less feed. A good source of info is Venturino's books on Leverguns and on Shooting Buffalo Rifles Whoops i see Trailrider explained the twists. One last tidbit. The 90 or equivalent can be a thumper for extented shot strings. You might want to shoot one first.
  14. Sounds good and so does a GP100 in 44 special!
  15. Yep in CF. Ruger Redhawk for the stout loads and 3 screw flat top Ruger 44 mag for the ligher stuff.
  16. There are still a few good shows around in Oklahoma and north Texas. I've gotten some of my best finds at the smaller shows but find Wanamacher's in Tulsa best. Not because it's bigger....you just don't see all the air soft crap, etc and its as much a museum as a show. Pulps right though cause if you go on Saturday be prepared to do lots of squeeze by, ducking, dodging, and shifty sidesteps cause it do get crowded. Big Town in Mesquite has a pretty good one. Don't go to Market Hall in Dallas much because of the parking. The Ft. Worth show is a little far for me. The Grand American shows in OKC and Tulsa are generally pretty good.
  17. Especially the ones you disagree with. Isn't it safe to say that the fewer hits they receive the quicker they go away? I might go to a third party site to see what the hub-bub is about but never open the primary website. Not gonna give them the satisfaction of increased exposure to pad shows that I could care less about. The Golden Glob Awards comes to mind.
  18. A group of hunters got shot up near Presidio. Details are pretty sketchy right now. The border is not safe now.....it hasn' ever been totally safe but its asking for it at the present. http://thewesterner.blogspot.com/2017/01/nm-hunting-guide-client-wounded-on.html
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