Sorry, we'll miss y'all. We alwats shoot the second weekend in October but some other shoots seem to change weekends and sometimes we lose some shooters from those areas. Hopefully we'll see y'all in Memphis
After reading Rolan Kraps post about Steam Punk I thought I'd go ahead and put in a plug for our State Championship. We're one of those he's talking about offering Steam Punk as a Category. We've had people ask for it for several years and have quite a few that dress Steam Punk and shoot in other Categories.
We wanted to get the application out early so you'd have plenty of time to work on your shooting schedule for 2017.
As others have said go out to a match and try different guns or do like some of the rest of us and just keep buying until you find what you like.
I shoot Senior Duelist, double duelist style and I changed a couple of years ago to short-stroked Ruger Bisley Vaqueros and I'd have a hard time going back to anything else. I have fairly large hands and like the way Bisleys with Eagle Gunfighter grips feel.
Enjoy the madness, cowboy guns are addictive.
Duece Stevens has an excellant SxS video, I'd check it out before you learn bad habits.
I can vouch for the fact that bad habits and bad technique are very hard to unlearn.
Have fun
Nothing I tried worked for me?
That time I didn't open the video, I right clicked the name of the video and clicked copy link address, pasted, hit enter and posted and it worked.