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Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903

Territorial Governors
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Everything posted by Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903

  1. Power Factor only matters in smokeless categories. Black powder rounds in black powder categories have to meet the Smoke Standard. BLACKPOWDER CATEGORIES It is expected the blackpowder competitor shall contend with smoke obscured targets. To ensure this, all shotgun, revolver, and rifle powder charges must produce smoke at least equivalent to a baseline load of 15 grains by volume (1 cc) of ffg blackpowder. And of course the load you mentioned would meet the Smoke Standard every time. Randy
  2. Welcome to the addiction. Randy
  3. I bought a pair at that time, one of these days I'll get around to shooting them. At the time I thought it was too good of a price to pass up. Randy
  4. Charlie may not be checking this thread as he said he'd been doing a lot of traveling and didn't have access on the road but I bought these. Thanks Randy
  5. I rarely shoot a Marlin anymore but when I did I always used the same 200gr. load I used in my revolvers. Randy
  6. I hope it's not I don't like to go to Wally World. Randy
  7. You might find a Charles Daly 500 in that price range, they were made by Miroku, the same folks that made SKB and BSS. Randy
  8. Original (old) model have a 2 digit prefix, New Vaqueros have a 3 digit. Randy
  9. Don't know if it's true but I heard Wally World made a deal with Remington to be the exclusive distributor? Randy
  10. Warning!!!!! This is addictive. Randy
  11. I started with a Stoeger, went to a TTN hammered gun just because I liked the look. Went back to the Stoeger after a few years because the TTN was so heavy I was having elbow problems. Finally broke down and bought an SKB, now I have 2 of them and don't think I could go back to any of the others. If you can afford it start with a good shotgun. Shoot different ones before you buy, BSS felt clunky to me, SKB's felt great. Charles Daly 500 is a good Miroku made double trigger SxS. Randy
  12. Local dealer here has plenty of Federal Large Pistol, no Small Pistol. Gamaliel has them in magnum, http://www.gamaliel.com/largepistol/federal_large_magnum_pistol_primer.asp? Randy
  13. If you have a stage where it can be set up and not affect the Main Match Stages you could do it on Friday night between the end of the stages and before dinner on the range and open it to anyone who wants to shoot. It lets people be in a shoot-off that might not get to otherwise and it give folks something to do on the range before dinner. Randy
  14. I prefer the Pocket Pro, the tone of the beep on a Pact is different and much of the time I can't hear it. Don't have any problem hearing the Pocket Pro and it also has the Par time feature to use when dry firing Randy
  15. +1 without the ding I think I'm not hitting and slow down. I like to practice sometimes on smaller targets than I normally see at matches. Sometimes big targets and just go for speed. Good luck Randy
  16. My problem is on many occasions I tend to outrun my brain Randy
  17. You'll have a ball. Randy
  18. His laser died and last time I checked he had not gotten it repaired Randy
  19. Pictures please to rws2700@comcast.net Thanks Randy
  20. Widder, Taz will be at the Tennessee State Match again this year. Randy
  21. Taylors has these. http://www.taylorsfirearms.com/long-guns/cartridge-rifles/1873-lever-action/ladies-youth-carbine.html Randy
  22. I've reloaded since the early 90's when I started shooting Bullseye pistol. At that time for the price of a case of match grade .45acp (for 50 yards slow fire cheap ammo wouldn't cut it) I bought used equipment and components to load 1000 rounds so essentially the equipment was free after the first 1000 rounds. As others have said I read the reloading manuals, talked to other folks I trusted that reloaded and was very cautious. When folks ask me how much money I save by reloading I tell them none, I just shoot a whole lot more than I would if I was buying factory ammo. Good Luck Randy
  23. As Mongo stated we have no income tax and I think this is a big plus. Like Imis I also live in Murfreesboro. We are pretty close to lots of SASS clubs however we are pretty much flat landers. Like Tennessee Tombstone said in East Tennessee we have the Smokey Mountains (maybe just hills to you). My home club is the Wartrace Regulators. http://www.wartraceregulators.com/default.aspx Also within driving distance is the Ocoee Rangers http://ocoeerangers.com/ Oak Ridge Outlaws http://oakridgeoutlaws.org/ Tennessee Mountain Marauders http://www.themarauder.com/ North Alabama Regulators http://www.northalabamaregulators.com/ and in Kentucky we're not to far from Green River Gunslingers http://greenrivergunslingers.com/ and The Southeast Regional will be in Memphis starting this year. http://www.memphisgunslingers.com/ I've been pretty lazy about updating my blog lately but if you look through the archives you can find pictures of many of the clubs mentioned. http://wartracecowboys.blogspot.com/ If you get a chance come on to Tennessee and check us out, several shooters have and stayed Randy
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