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Three Foot Johnson

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Everything posted by Three Foot Johnson

  1. They expire? I don't see an expiration date on mine anywhere.
  2. The only 20 gauge lever shotgun I can think of is the Ithaca M66, and it's not really a lever action, per se - it's a single shot break open. It didn't come along til the 1960's either, so somebody might complain about that.
  3. This getup always draws some comments.
  4. Staged picture right off the deck at my house - self timer, no one around for miles, so no safety glasses.
  5. My late buddy JINKS, which stood for "Just an Imaginary Name for Kris Stanley". He was aiming for a steampunk look and pulled it off pretty well. Woke up dead of "natural causes" nine years ago at 48.
  6. They recommend a space-age "electric bandage"...?
  7. If the press held up to the pressure... maybe, but it would be a bit of a pain in the arse. Here is a loaded .50 BMG sitting on the ram of my Rockchucker with no shell holder - the Ammomaster shell holder isn't compatible with the Rock Chucker. Even with no shell holder, the mouth of the case is well into the press frame at the top. The tip of the loaded bullet is visible sticking out of the hole. If the press held up, and you figured out a way to prime the cases (the Ammomaster priming ram isn't compatible with the Rock Chucker), I suppose the case could be angled up through the hole, the shell holder simultaneously slid onto the rim and into the ram, the bullet placed in the shell from the top, then the die screwed in - after removing the bushing, of course. It might take repeated steps of screwing the die and/or seating stem down to get the shell fully sized or the bullet fully seated, then the process would have to be reversed - unscrew the die, slide the shell holder out of the ram/off the case rim, then remove the finished round from the press. When I bought my AR50 22+ years ago, it came with an RCBS Ammomaster press, dies, trim die, priming arm, shell holder, etc. I also use it to load .45-120.
  8. ?? Regardless of what a manufacturer decides to print, HP will always be higher than BHP. More HP cannot be developed as it is transmitted through the drivetrain.
  9. Ya, bad wording. I don't know how HP can be measured before the crankshaft, but the gist is the engine develops slightly more HP than Stihl's BHP spec.
  10. Rated at 6.7 BHP, so engine shaft HP should be a bit more yet.
  11. This is my last one, I'm done. I started it a couple times this year, but didn't ride it anywhere.
  12. Phil N. DeBlank
  13. Bad Gene Poole
  14. I got a suspension on another board years ago, so I created another account under the name Ian Cognito.
  15. I've heard of Norma Lee Hitum... how 'bout Miss Norma Lee? Barry M. Deep Phil DeGraves Phillip DeGraves Rob N. DeBanks Rob N. DeStage Rob N. Euneks Rob N. Yooteau Rob Steele Cheetum Rob Cheetiman Steele (I almost went with this one myself) Amos Tewmuch Dustin Brigands Dustin DeBrigands Morgun Tequila Count variations are endless - Count DeBodies Count D. Bodies Count N. Bodies Count DeBodies Count N. DeBodies Count DeGraves Count D. Graves Count N. Bullets Count N. DeBullets Count N. Time Count Dedmen Count N. DeDedmen Count D. Hangman
  16. Ya, like NONE. The rumors persist, but the original action is too short for .44-40, and no mention of a prototype with a stretched action has never been found. Technically, I suppose there could have been such a thing - maybe they chambered a barrel for .44-40, screwed it onto an action, and experimented with DEEPLY seated bullets - flush, more or less, as an empty .44-40 case alone is the length of a loaded .44 Henry. George Madis couldn't document one, and The Cody Firearms Research dept of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West has never been able to document one.
  17. I've never seen, shot, or even heard of a W3G match anywhere around here. Depends on where you live, I guess. Population density. Some of you live in municipalities with populations larger than my entire state - we finally topped a million in 2012 and currently only one million, fifty thousand.
  18. This has been in the back of my mind ever since I read it... my Thunderbolt worked well when it was new - I put maybe a hundred rounds through it, then took it to a match and it choked on the first stage. Cleared the jam, and it choked on the second stage, and so on. So why did it work when it was new? Because I was shooting it at a "normal" speed! I got it out yesterday and tested the theory - four 10 round strings without a hitch when shooting slow & deliberate, but it immediately choked when trying to speed up.
  19. I've got one of those, but have never shot it. The rockets have asking prices of anywhere between $125 and $350 anymore, so it would be a really expensive match!
  20. My Taurus Thunderbolt .45 Colt works just fine... ... as a single shot... ... usually... ... not always... ... sometimes it will even get off a 2nd or 3rd shot before it takes a coffee break...
  21. It may not be like this everywhere, but among the 4 clubs I regularly shoot at, there are at least six FFL holders who will perform the service for a nominal fee for other shooters. There are also 2 pawn shops in town that charge me only $20 for a transfer. Twenty bucks, or less, plus a medium or large flat rate box ($13.60/$18.85) is much cheaper than overnight or 2nd day air.
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