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Badlands Bob #61228

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Everything posted by Badlands Bob #61228

  1. You won't go wrong with those pistols. Good purchase.
  2. If this amateur went to Starbucks for his morning coffee fix prior to the hit, there is also a Starbucks coffee cup laying around somewhere with his DNA on it.
  3. Effective, but sloppy hit. I'd give it a C+ only because the victim ended up dead. Getting caught on camera and leaving shell casings/bullets and possibly a cell phone behind is the mark of an amateur. Riding away on some rental bicycle/scooter is sloppy too. Too many leads left for the police to follow up on.
  4. That's a pretty good price for a Stoeger. I'm glad to see a decent affordable shotgun available to shooters.
  5. Well, there were considerable delays due to permitting, environmental impact studies, French labor strikes and hunchback relocation issues.
  6. I bet if you ask around, somebody will have a set of old holsters they will sell you cheap. Or find some at the local state match yard sale.
  7. I think I'll just sit here and look out the window and watch the mailbox. I'm waiting on a part to fix my Dillon 650 and a cartridge to fix the drip in the Moen shower faucet. I'll be done watching by 7:30 because that's when the Ga / Ga Tech game starts. Uh oh. The wife just stopped by my perch and told me she needs me to help her wrap gifts today.
  8. My wife said that getting charged by the police would be the least of my worries.
  9. The RCBS lockout die comes with several different sized shafts for different calibers. When properly set, it will lock up the progressive press when there is a double charge or no charge in the case. It does not help with small powder variations. Very easy to set up. I found used ones on Ebay for about 1/2 price. They only work on straight wall cases.
  10. I changed out my Dillon powder alarm to the RCBS lockout dies. I still have to use the Dillon system when loading 5.56 because the RCBS only works on straight wall cartridges. Everything else uses the RCBS lockout.
  11. Short stroking your Rugers would be far down the list of improvements (expenditures) in my book. If you already have a short stroked tuned 73 rifle, slicked up SKB SxS shotgun, good leather gear and a progressive reloading press AND you still have money left over AND you are shooting 25 second or less stages Duelist or Gunfighter, then the short stroke pistols might be worth looking at. Cowboy Action Shooting is a giant bottomless money pit. Some improvements are better than others. If you've got medical issues with your hands, short stroked pistols can make it less painful to shoot so ignore all the above advise. P.S. Lassiter did my short stroked New Vaqueros and I love them.
  12. Used leather gear doesn't bring anywhere near the original price. As a private seller, if you get 50% of new price, you are doing well. 25% is probably more realistic.
  13. I worked a lot of nasty death investigations in motel rooms during my35 year career. I've got a camper.
  14. That would make somebody a great Wild Bunch gun. Traditional category, of course.
  15. This little girl's only mistake was waiting a year to go to the media. I would have recommended setting up a lemonade stand in front of the bank with some big posters claiming that Chase stole my chicken money. I would tell everyone who stopped by about the story and give them a free glass of lemonade. I would add $300 to the bill for every day I had to sit out there passing out lemonade. When I didn't have any customers, i would be posting on social media and sending complaints to the banking regulatory commission. Nothing like bad publicity and a cute little girl to make them care.
  16. Don't worry. Another month and Medicare enrollment will be over and we'll be back to the lawyer and drug commercials.
  17. I dumped the bank years ago. They kept getting sold to a bigger bank and the bigger bank kept trying to charge me more fees. I now use USAA and I've been pretty happy with them.
  18. There would need to be legislation for the National Reciprocity to work. Otherwise, the anti gun bunch will just tie things up in court and the next president could undo it with a swipe of the pen. They already do it for driver's licenses and LEOSA already allows firearm carry for active and retired law enforcement nationally. I'd also like to see a national preemption law that would make any state or local law restricting firearms or ammunition void. Federal law only would be enforced nationally on firearms, ammunition, possession, sales, and carry.
  19. That's a good way to get launched and rotated at the same time. Cool moves but very risky.
  20. I buy the lithium battery smoke detectors. They are good for 10 years. I found that the 9 volt battery smoke detectors always start chirping at 2:00 a.m.
  21. I never gave the temperature sensitivity of Titegroup any concern. If it's cold enough to affect the burn rate, it's too cold for Badlands Bob to be shooting.
  22. I use 3.0 gr of Titegroup with a 125 gr lubed bullet. Works great and I've been using this recipe for 20 years. Mild recoil but enough power to handle the occasional knock down target. No need to carry "special" rounds for knock downs. Use the same round in rifle and pistols.
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