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Silver Rings SASS # 27466

Territorial Governors
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About Silver Rings SASS # 27466

  • Birthday 09/27/1948

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Montrose Marshals

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Montrose Colorado
  • Interests
    CAS, guns, leather working

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  1. Moses, I sent you a pm earlier today but incase you didn't get it, someone else agreed to buy them last night. Sorry you didn't respond sooner. Silver Rings
  2. They don't specify either, just says clone. They have not been fitted. If you would like them, I will ship them to you and if they fit you can pay me. If they don't fit you can keep them and not pay for them. How's that for a deal? Silver Rings
  3. Sold Pair of new grips for 1851 & 1861 Colt Navy revolvers. $30 shipped. Silver Rings
  4. FS TTN 1878 shotgun springs and large front bead. $30 shipped. Silver Rings
  5. Sold Dillon 650/750 conversion kit, tool head, stand and dies. Deprime die needs pin. Combination of RCBS and Lee dies. $140 for all of it shipped. Silver Rings
  6. Howdy 


    I have an old, not sure of the year, Crescent double barrel with external hammers in 16 ga. It is complete with triggers/hammers that work. If you are interested it would be $150 shipped to you. Let me know if this will work for you. Merry Christmas




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