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Garrison Joe, SASS #60708

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Status Updates posted by Garrison Joe, SASS #60708

  1. That Colt series 80 is perfectly fine (legal) for Wild Bunch.  It works in Traditional-based categories (one handed) really well.  And although it is not loaded with any modern features, it can certainly be used in Modern-based categories. too.


    good luck, GJ

  2. SJS -

    Here's one I loaded for several years for ex.  She liked it and won with it.


    WAA12L (gray) wad

    7/8 ounce shot

    14.0 to 18.0 gr Clays  (the whole range worked for me, just put a little more pressure on wad with more powder, just wad touching powder with the low end)

    Any primer, but I use Cheddites or Win 209s almost always


    Good luck, GJ


  3. Griz -


    Hope you and Rose are fine.  Wanted to ask if you still had your band together and might want to do a gig at the NM state championship next Septermber 22 (2018).


    Garrison Joe - PM me or email at drcoles@flash.net 



    1. Grizzly Adams 3674

      Grizzly Adams 3674

      Still have the band, and would love to do the NM Championship gig.  Let me check with the others and make sure we have no conflicts, and I will get back to you.



  4. Work? You're cussin on a family forum? Hope you get that stuff out of the way before winter Range. I was chauffeur for Amber, who came in 2nd overall (behind Henry) and first Cowgirl. My foot is healing up fairly well, still kinda lumpy from taking out a bad nerve and straightening 2 toes. But, hope to be running on it soon and ready for WR.

    See ya soon, pard. GJ

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