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Phantom, SASS #54973

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Everything posted by Phantom, SASS #54973

  1. Demeaning...show me where. What were the bad instructions...exactly? Phantom
  2. The assumptions that some folks make about another's ability to comprehend is fascinating... This kind of failure is significant...question: Is this any different than having a Timer record a time for a shooter that is obviously incorrect? Phantom
  3. No one said to stop the shooter. You do and record the time. Then go to the MD. This is a significant advantage...and there are reasons why you don't see clay birds in competitions that matter any longer. What the decision has now done to the match is divide it into to completely different matches. One with an active swinger and one without. Problem is these two completely different matches are scored as one. I would suggest that those that don't see this as a problem are those that frankly are not into CAS for the competition... Phantom
  4. This situation has nothing to do with going over the Stages. Phantom
  5. I actually hate it when folks take their desires as more important then the wellbeing of their fellow posse members. Phantom
  6. Buncha BS. The prop failure hurt all the other shooters that didn't get a static target. Whoever would accept their time on a Swinger stage where the Swinger didn't "Swing" is someone that I don't want to have anything to do with. They're cheaters in my book. Phantom
  7. Hopefully you can overcome your "lead" concern and venture out and start shooting soon. Phantom
  8. Why the personal attack? I was proud of you for finally explaining why you didn't shoot CAS. Nothing to be ashamed about... Phantom
  9. NOW I know why you don't shoot! Took a while, but you finally explained it. Good for you! Phantom
  10. I have some original "45 Colt"...the rim is almost non-existent. Phantom
  11. W3G isn't around any longer...so... And It would be nice if you showed a little respect for folks that support the organization that runs this Forum...that you get to use for free. Phantom
  12. What's the difference between a 1st Gen and a current Gen? Phantom
  13. I know how to fix the problem...ain't going to tell you though. Ask Whiskey...he's a nice guy. Phantom
  14. Defect? Turn one little screw and the problem will go away. Phantom Not that rare. Phantom
  15. And he said... "Most I seem to find are pushing a thousand dollars and that is just far too much for me to budget." And you said... "Is it Historically Accurate? No. Ask me if I care." But ya got pictures of your rifles out there...never understood why folks post pictures of their firearms on open format Social Media. Cheers! Phantom
  16. I'd like to see pictures of your carrier. Phantom
  17. Many times...but certainly not always. And then...those costly rifles can end up costing you a lot as well. Mechanical things have a way about them that can end up costing the owner $$$$. So all things being equal... Phantom
  18. The "cheapest" requirement wasn't the only criteria...so...your response confuses me. Phantom
  19. Wasn't one of the elements that the OP was concerned with was "cheapest"? Phantom
  20. MEC 600 Jr. go for between $70-100. Cheers! Phantom
  21. Let's take this apart. The source of the quotation is the CAS Handbook. Therefore referencing "SASS" is in the context of CAS. CAS is not affiliated with Wild Bunch. So I would suggest that your statement "...it's wrong and needs to be changed..." is incorrect. Also, there is zero evidence that I'm aware of that would indicate that Wild Bunch is going to "Save" SASS. The assumption that SASS needs to be "saved" is also a bit presumptive of you. Oh, and the irony is that many of the WB old school shooters vehemently protested the modifications to the WB rules that were put in place to spur growth in the game...so...attention given and then immediately rejected. Phantom
  22. And...they are NOT the least expensive...not by a long shot! Therefore irrelevant to the topic. But...at least you got to post a picture. 😆 Phantom
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