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Phantom, SASS #54973

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Posts posted by Phantom, SASS #54973

  1. 6 minutes ago, watab kid said:

    Spotters mantra!

    If you see a hit, it's a hit!

    If you think it's a hit, it's a hit!

    If you think it's a miss, it's a hit!

    If you see a miss, it's a miss.

    Slight correction on the last line:


    If you KNOW it's a miss, it's a miss.



    • Like 4
  2. Just now, Barry Sloe said:

    Was it a miss or a dead target?? 

    He should use ears and eyes, he'll have a much more harmonious outcome. 



    Well that's the whole point of the silly story.


    No visual, just "heard" a miss.



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  3. 19 minutes ago, Tell Sackett SASS 18436 said:

    It sounds very quiet!

    I hear misses all the time when I’m counting shots-at the loading table.

    Clang, clang, clang, nothing, clang! That’s what a pistol miss sounds like.


    Kinda sounds the same as a hit in a dead zone...



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  4. Really depends on the kind of shooting...obviously.


    Bigger lets you hold onto your front sight better...but if it covers the whole rifle target then you need to do one of two things.


    1. Get a smaller bead

    2. Find a more reasonable club


    As far as the rear sight, I see zero reason for a Semi-Buckhorn.



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  5. While I'd like to make the Bigger matches seem complex and confusing...I'd rather not.


    Big matches are no different than monthlies...it's just another match. Kinda think of it as a two-day monthly. What would you need?


    More ammo...that's about it. Yes, there may be some other guns you don't normally shoot (ie: Long Range, Pocket pistol, etc). Other than that...have enough clothes for a couple monthly matches.


    Tools, cleaning, parts, spare guns...oy! If your gun(s) break you're more than likely to be out of contention...folks will lend you guns to finish the match.


    Or...you can get an 18-Wheeler and haul everything to the "Big" match...



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  6. 3 minutes ago, Flanigan Flats said:

    Can Phantom and Sixgun post up some detailed pics of their carts for the OP? 

    Sorry...I have a non-so Rugged Gear Cart.


    While I'm mechanically capable...after building my first 5 carts I got reeeeeal lazy and just bought one.



    • Like 2
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  7. That's truly nothing but a baby stroller that you can get used for almost nothing. Add a little wood and hardware and yer done.


    But...if you don't have any mechanical ability...buy it.



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  8. On 6/17/2019 at 11:34 AM, Bisley Joe said:

    OK, so let's get it back on track!


    Who have you missed dearly, other than me?


    I miss the people that have died 


    I miss shooting with many folks 



    • Sad 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Bisley Joe said:

    Howdy there, Gold Canyon Kid!

    Hope you're doing great!

    I'm in Arizona too!

    Where do you shoot?

    Maybe I can come to a match and say hi! We can even shoot on the same posse!

    Is 1 April your birthday?


    Yippy ki yay...

    dancing poodle.gif

    He passed away...


    I'll leave my comments to that...



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