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Phantom, SASS #54973

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Everything posted by Phantom, SASS #54973

  1. How much ya got to wager? Phantom
  2. To answer your question: Rossi R92 Use it and upgrade later if you desire. The rifle will always carry a value...it's not like spending $$ at a bar where your $$ ends up down the toilet. Phantom
  3. CAS is a game with many Categories...Wild Bunch is not one of them. They have their game...therefore they have their own forum since the vast majority of CAS do not shoot WB. Phantom
  4. Question: If he's your son, wouldn't you "know" rather than "think" he sells them on Amazon? If he's not your son...then...never mind. But if he is your son...isn't this whole post rather deceptive...kinda manipulating?? Phantom
  5. It's $80/year now...best of my knowledge. Phantom
  6. I was joking...since I don't believe Remington owned Marlin in 2009...all will have the JM proof marks. Phantom
  7. I believe it's Palo Verde's son...don't think he has shot CAS in a very long time. I'm sure Palo Verde will probably chime in on this. Phantom
  8. And he's your son...isn't he?? Phantom
  9. Good lord... Phantom
  10. Probably???? ðŸĪĢ
  11. Can't speak for the board, but when I was around we always made allowances for those with medical needs. Phantom
  12. 1950's...what? That's not considered "modern"? Choosing acceptable loads are done the same way with a '97 as it is with any other SG. Loading the magazine rules are in the rule book...some club allow stoking over the allowed SASS restrictions. Phantom
  13. I've heard that beside the wonderful food...and stages...that there will be some nice giveaways 😉 Phantom
  14. Keeping things clean...and what it is that is polluting are two separate things. And are you sure the use of the word "detritus" is appropriate as used? Phantom
  15. You really have an...issue...with plastic wads. Perhaps you should make peace with plastic wads. Phantom
  16. But it is for those that are trying to save the planet from the evils of plastic wad pollution... Phantom
  17. And the making of BP a difficult category to load for continues... Phantom
  18. Right...where most spatter comes from...gotcha! Phantom
  19. I know the rules...your statement was tragically ambiguous. Hence my question. Cheers! Phantom
  20. If you haven't shoot The Revenge, you're missing out on one of the best matches bar none! This is one of the matches that really give back to the shooters...it's not about how much money the club puts back into their pockets, but rather a big thank you to the CAS shooting community. Phantom
  21. Really depends on the kind of shooting...obviously. Bigger lets you hold onto your front sight better...but if it covers the whole rifle target then you need to do one of two things. 1. Get a smaller bead 2. Find a more reasonable club As far as the rear sight, I see zero reason for a Semi-Buckhorn. Phantom
  22. Wait a second!!!! You mean to tell me that the parts are the same and that the evil Remington parts are not the problem??? But everything Remington did was horrible and wrong...and ALL about the $$$$$$$. The parts can't be good! The have to be..."JM"... ðŸĪŠ Phantom
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