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Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

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Everything posted by Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

  1. Mine was ser# 2100, second one they built, first one sold to the public. That was according to them, I asked. You know what people say "never buy the first of anything", well turns out there is a good reason for that. It never ran right, sent it back 3 times and it never got better. Several people on the wire had them back then and I don't remember anyone liking theirs. Fit and finish was excellent, would have made a great wall hanger or collectors piece. Jammed at every stage.
  2. I had a USFA with a 26" barrel. With your hand almost at the receiver you have 2 foot of barrel out front, hard to start the swing to the next target, hard to stop when you got there, and that was the least annoying problem that gun had.
  3. this is all I got, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu5hzc2Mei4
  4. BATF letter, see pg 2 question 2 http://s240.photobucket.com/user/ZX2_R/media/ATF2.jpg.html
  5. You are absolutely correct, if you have a barrel less than 16'' and a shoulder stock it is a short barrel rifle, no NFA paper work , big trouble. You also seem to be missing my point, you can change a pistol to a rifle ( add stock and barrel over 16") and than change it back. Lets use an AR15 pistol as an example. If it was originally built as a pistol, pistol buffer and barrel shorter than 16", you can put a 16" upper on it than change out the pistol buffer for a shoulder stock and make it a rifle. If it came from the factory as a rifle you can not turn it into a pistol.
  6. Length of the barrel does not matter, under 26''OAL, no stock = pistol , shoulder stock any barrel length = rifle. My point is you can legally change back and forth, if you start with a pistol.
  7. I disagree with your second statement. TC won a court case years ago about contenders, people would take the pistol frame and put the carbine stock and barrel on, BATF said you could not go back to a pistol if you did that. TC sued and won, court ruled the original condition of the gun is all that maters. You can turn a pistol into a rifle and back to a pistol, but if it came from the factory as a rifle it is always a rifle. Uberti used to make a buntline with a detachable stock, with the stock off it's a pistol, on it's a rifle, go back and forth as much as you want. http://www.gunbroker.com/item/607462200 That said I'm with Pat Riot, I'd only buy one from the factory.
  8. People have been making these for some time now. If you start with a shotgun that came from the factory with a pistol grip ( I know mossberg does that) you can put the short barrel on it. They just made it a factory offering to make up for that chainsaw contraption. You have to change the pistol grip to the longer one also.
  9. I think you need to keep that grip to keep the overall length over 26'', otherwise it is a SBS.
  10. I agree with the primer theory, but would also check the bullet crimp. I had some .44 spl ammo that shot fine in my 8" S&W 629, but locked up my Charter arms bulldog. The stouter recoil in the bulldog caused the bullets to slide out of the cases.
  11. Metric is more common, but an inch pattern gun will use either style mag. That said I've only seen about 3 inch pattern mags in the last 20 years. Most parts are interchangeable. Most guns you will find are metric, even the ones built from inch kits, like the old century guns, are built on metric receivers. I've had just about every one, L1A1 on a Enterprise inch pattern receiver, Israeli H-bar, STG58 on a Imbel receiver, just could not make myself like them, much prefer an AR.
  12. Suggested retail on a S&W m60 is $729, $30 more than the Colt, Ruger SP101 is $719, $20 more. Both are 5 shot. I just catch it with my thumb and pull it back, not harder not easier just different. You just described most guns being made today, do you think Smith, Ruger or any one else makes a better gun for less money? We did it to ourselves we sacrificed fit and finish at the alter of price. The finely made guns of the 50's and 60's ( S&W, Colt) were out sold by the poorly finished guns of the 70's ( Ruger, rossi, charter arms). My King Cobra has a very nice action, every bit as good as my M629, I hope that Colt does it right, I like my original Cobra better than my 642 .
  13. Worst cowboy gun was a USFA Lightning. Went back to the factory 3 times and they never got it to work.
  14. I used to own one, ridiculously slow to load. It would be a nightmare at the loading table. Might not be legal as the Evans rounds were rifle rounds and never chambered in a pistol.
  15. like these? https://www.dixiegunworks.com/product_info.php?products_id=6519&osCsid=s3p158aopeu4v5hfb8beogsub5
  16. I've used nothing but Colts since I started in the mid 90's ( that's 1990's although I was probably shooting mid 90 second stages too). Shot the Josie Wales shot at Tusco with 5 colts.
  17. I can no longer hear women and children, proof that God loves me and wants me to be happy.
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