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Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

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Posts posted by Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

  1. Metric is more common, but an inch pattern gun will use either style mag. That said I've only seen about 3 inch pattern mags in the last 20 years. Most parts are interchangeable. Most guns you will find are metric, even the ones built from inch kits, like the old century guns, are built on metric receivers. I've had just about every one, L1A1 on a Enterprise inch pattern receiver, Israeli H-bar, STG58 on a Imbel receiver, just could not make myself like them, much prefer an AR.

  2. I'm guessing it will be priced 3 times more than a Ruger or S&W.

    Suggested retail on a S&W m60 is $729, $30 more than the Colt, Ruger SP101 is $719, $20 more. Both are 5 shot.


    I am curious to ask those of you who worship at the altar of Colt what you think of it. I looked at some Colt's back in the early 80's and chose a S&W instead, not just because of price, but to me the push button releasing the cylinder felt much more natural than pulling the release on the Colt. Aside from that, I imagine their product will be second to none, but I'm not sure can get past that. Is there some technique to using their cylinder release I should have been aware of?

    I just catch it with my thumb and pull it back, not harder not easier just different.


    It will be a Colt without anything that made Colt special.

    It will be overpriced, under finished and desperately hoping the cachet of it's name distracts you with nostalgia.

    Praying that you fail to realize that without hand fitting and deep blue polishing there is no longer any reason for its existence.

    You just described most guns being made today, do you think Smith, Ruger or any one else makes a better gun for less money? We did it to ourselves we sacrificed fit and finish at the alter of price. The finely made guns of the 50's and 60's ( S&W, Colt) were out sold by the poorly finished guns of the 70's ( Ruger, rossi, charter arms).

    My King Cobra has a very nice action, every bit as good as my M629, I hope that Colt does it right, I like my original Cobra better than my 642 .

  3. I used to own one, ridiculously slow to load. It would be a nightmare at the loading table. Might not be legal as the Evans rounds were rifle rounds and never chambered in a pistol.

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