Suggested retail on a S&W m60 is $729, $30 more than the Colt, Ruger SP101 is $719, $20 more. Both are 5 shot.
I just catch it with my thumb and pull it back, not harder not easier just different.
You just described most guns being made today, do you think Smith, Ruger or any one else makes a better gun for less money? We did it to ourselves we sacrificed fit and finish at the alter of price. The finely made guns of the 50's and 60's ( S&W, Colt) were out sold by the poorly finished guns of the 70's ( Ruger, rossi, charter arms).
My King Cobra has a very nice action, every bit as good as my M629, I hope that Colt does it right, I like my original Cobra better than my 642 .