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The Rainmaker, SASS #11631

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About The Rainmaker, SASS #11631

  • Birthday 11/28/1962

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Doc Holliday's Immortals

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Middle Georgia
  • Interests
    Shootin', what else? Oh yeah... and drivin' my Vette.

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The Rainmaker, SASS #11631's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Rod Kibler in North Georgia; http://www.rodkiblersaddlery.com/ He does make SG loops on his belts but I use a cloth cavalry belt with loops that run all the way around and that's what I prefer. Bought that at the old Plainfield Raid in No Cal. LOVE my Kibler!
  2. He certainly could. He's the bestest!
  3. Haha, happens all the time. I like when I write em, I print em, I brief em and I STILL get into the middle of the stage and forget what I'm supposed to do! Duh
  4. Haha, I already told him about the infamous Marauder Stage Writing Academy! 😁
  5. They really are not that different from Colts and clones; anyone who can handle one of them can handle a Remmie. I did my own; the hand spring can be a bit tricky but not too hard. Good luck finding someone.
  6. Thank you Sadie, very much appreciated. All my best to you n that fella of yours.
  7. I don't use names for the starting position, only the sweeps and even then, I explain what the sweep is in the notes. I stipulate where the hands should be, i.e. "hand(s) on gun(s) of choice" or "holding rifle in both hands" or "one fist raised, other can be touching gun or ammo"; it was my "Trumped Again" stage starting position. 😁
  8. As a TO, that's all you can ask for is that they do their best; sometimes you miss something. Due to being hit with splatter or whatever distraction or maybe just a very fast shooter... but FOUR people missed two shots? Time to switch out and not be butt hurt about it.
  9. All our best for a speedy recovery. The Rainmaker and Raindrop Renegade
  10. OP, do you really expect the need to be moving your reloading equipment around the benches?
  11. More like Tom Foolery! 🤪
  12. Very sad indeed. Prayers to his family and friends. Always loved his alias. 😔
  13. Exactly what I was thinkin. I've had some inconsistencies in colder weather.
  14. Well, I was watchin some old reruns of Kung Fu and now I sneak up on those wasps with chop sticks and quick as a wink, pluck a wing off. Does it help me get faster at my shootin? Heck no, but it sure makes Widder laugh!
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