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Subdeacon Joe

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Everything posted by Subdeacon Joe

  1. Carr (Raiders QB) has a broken fibula, surgery tomorrow. Crud!
  2. We did a bit of both. This year we are going to go by the Old Calendar to "do Christmas" in the sense of the gift giving and such. We will hit Matins tonight and the Liturgy tomorrow morning for the actual celebration of the Nativity..
  3. Some WWI insignia: http://freepages.military.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~worldwarone/WWI/Uniforms/index.html
  4. We got .86" of rain here today. Supposed to be more tomorrow. Snow level is predicted to be down to 3000 feet, maybe a little lower. Yosemite got snow today.
  5. That one is simple - a pilot lets you know he is a pilot within 15 seconds.
  6. After the 2004 Tsunami I was talking with a guy who was sneering about the US "invading" Indonesia by sending a strike group to render aid while other countries were sending "real" help. I pointed out to him that that group of ships could provide medical aid, food, fresh water, electricity. manpower, SAR resources, etc. A floating "city" of 5,000 can provide a lot of helping hands.
  7. Just gradations within the groups.
  8. It had a huge effect on morale and esprit de corps, which, I would argue, has an effect on efficiency. .
  9. No, not "stupid," which implies a lack of intelligence. But rather "ignorant" Ignorance can be cured through education. Stupid is forever.
  10. I had to read that twice. I thought, "What the heck does the ATF form have to do with it?" Then I saw it - you didn't write "4473."
  11. Kind of interesting
  12. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that is a Great War (WWI) German grenade. That based on the clip and the style of cap on the end.
  13. Navy leaders are reversing their controversial decision to eliminate sailors’ ratings and will restore job titles across the fleet, according to a Navy message set for release Wednesday.
  14. I think it would have depended on the target. There is a good chance, given human nature, that an attack on, let's say, the Port of Oakland or maybe Los Angeles, could have caused a "circle the wagons" knee-jerk reaction.
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