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Subdeacon Joe

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Everything posted by Subdeacon Joe

  1. You had to scrub the mold off those old fashioned dry cured hams.
  2. Easy to find in the parking lot.
  3. There were stories of the first sounds at the start of an auction were "thumb busters being cocked."
  4. Cataracts can mess with depth perception. Messed up depth perception can cause vertigo.
  5. A Culinary Experiment Ham Burger Patties 2 cups Ground Ham ¼ tsp Hot Smoked Spanish Paprika 1 TBS powdered Ham Base 1 Egg ~ ½ - ¾ cup Quick Rolled Oats A few grinds of black pepper Mix well, form into patties (really compress them), cook in nonstick skillet with a little butter over medium low heat until GB&D. Turned out pretty good. Good enough to type up and save.
  6. Police Departments across our republic have received reports that highly addictive substances will soon be circulating in our area. These substances go by names like "Thin Mints," "Caramel DeLites," "Peanut Butter Patties," and "Lemonades." These substances are distributed by strong, smart, fearless young women who will lure you in with their good-cause story and get you hooked. Many people start with just one box, but one turns into two, two turns into five, and the next thing you know, you're hiding your stash in your freezer. We want the community to know that we are here for you. Police will set up a dropoff location for these "Girl Scout Cookies" at the local police stations, where our officers can dispose of them safely.
  7. My wife gets it about late November through March. "Seasonal Positional Vertigo" the doctor called it. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28796081/
  8. Coincidence....about 3 hours ago I checked your FB to see if you had posted there recently. Thanks for poking your head in
  9. Yeah, I could be done of your 4XGreat grandsons! Being that you're older than dirt you fall outside the real of the "named" generations.
  10. Very unusual. California and Australia seem to swap firefighters back and forth several times a year. I think that the Lady High Mayor of Los Angeles has yet to ask our esteemed governor to make the call. Hells bells, she declined the assistance of the New York Fire Department.
  11. “With his bayonet he killed 5 of the enemy, and when it was broken, used the butt of his rifle, capturing 15 prisoners.” Born in what is today Serbia, Aleksa Mandušić, know as Jake Allex, joined the US Army in Chicago, to fight in World War 1. In the Battle of Amiens, early August 1918, allied troops were pinned down by intense German machingun and artillery from a “a bare seventy-five-foot-high ridge" — Chipilly Ridge. Three Battalions of Americans from the 33rd Infantry Division are assigned to take this ridge. With all his officers killed or wounded, Corporal Allex takes command, leading his men in an assault on the ridge: by sheer force of will, blood, and steel, Allex leads the charge — alone for the last 30 yards. The Americans seize the ridge. His Medal of Honor Citation: “At a critical point in the action, when all the officers with his platoon had become casualties, Corporal Allex took command of the platoon and led it forward until the advance was stopped by fire from a machinegun nest. He then advanced alone for about 30 yards in the face of intense fire and attacked the nest. With his bayonet he killed 5 of the enemy, and when it was broken, used the butt of his rifle, capturing 15 prisoners.” Raising to the rank of Sergeant during the war, he died in Chicago in 1959, at the age of 72.
  12. Forest Service Ranger using a treetop lookout phone, Santiam (Willamette) National Forest, Oregon. 1912. Notice the C96 Broomhandle Mauser with wood stock holster. Back then Rangers typically carried modern autoloading pistols, as technology and science were used to assume their control over land and nature. Pinchot's Rangers: Forest Service Living History & Reenactment
  13. My point was that you can't plan again every conceivable eventuality. Should the engineers planning a bridge design to withstand a Mag. 11 quake while 200 80,000# semis are on it, and the towers each being struck by B-52s with full fuel and ordnance loads? Could happen. Should Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Arkansas adopt Californians seismic standards because of the New Madrid Seismic Zone? After all, "The USGS estimates that there is a 7–10% chance of a magnitude 7.5–8.0 earthquake in the next 50 years, and a 28–46% chance of a magnitude 6.0–7.0"
  14. It makes sense once you realize that's an icy surface. Took me a bit to figure it out.
  15. Cities in the NE should have planned for the blizzards of the past few years. Cities in the Midwest should have known they would have those unprecedented floods in 2019. Japan should have planned for a Magnitude 11 earthquake. 20/20 hindsight. The fires of the past 15 years are orders of magnitude more destructive than half a century ago. More housing closer to more fuel that hasn't been cleared in over half a century.
  16. And Australian assets are waiting for the call https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8862812/australian-fire-crews-wait-for-american-assistance-call/ Both Australia and Canada have been very generous in the past in our times of need.
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