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Subdeacon Joe

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Subdeacon Joe last won the day on February 9

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About Subdeacon Joe

  • Birthday 09/26/1957

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    Sonoma Co. CA
  • Interests
    just about anything

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  1. Hey, SJ. Looking for advice. I don’t sleep much these days, ,Maybe 2 to 3 hours a day. I’m starting to have moments of confusion. Today I didn’t recognize the woman that lives in my rv. Also after a 15 minute nap I thought my wife was my sister. I don’t know why I’m asking you since we’ve never met  jUst a gut feeling that you might have some good advice. Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tennessee Trapper Tom

      Tennessee Trapper Tom

      I’ll try that. I love vanilla and nutmeg. Never been a milk drinker though. Gums up my throat but I’ll try. Thanks for responding. Having a bad day I guess lol

    3. Tennessee Trapper Tom

      Tennessee Trapper Tom

      SJ, couple questions


      1. Does it need to be whole milk or will 2% do the job?


      2. Vanilla. How much. Stick or extract?


      3. Nutmeg. Same question?


      Thanks!  Sleepless in Kentucky ! 


      They just canceled our January shoot due to range flooding. Was planning to shoot for the first time in 7 years. Bought a set of Colt new frontiers in 22 and a Colt Lightning in 22 short and I have a Spanish 4/10 shotgun. Just need to order a set of drop holsters for the colts. Sad. I only last year bought a rig for my 44-40s and 45s but I have trouble holding the pistols up. I have really miss my cowboy buds. Need to take a day and go see Shaddai Vaquero and his wife. 


      Thanks for putting up with my correspondence. Love your posts. They brighten my day



    4. Subdeacon Joe

      Subdeacon Joe

      Thank you, sir.  Glad you enjoy the drivel I post.


      Milk:. Either one will work.

      Vanilla: when I make it for my wife and me I use about a pint and a half of milk-fill our cups to about a finger below the rim- add about a tablespoon of sugar, Trivia, or Splenda, a capful of vanilla extract, either real or imitation, heat it up, pour into our cups, a grate a little nutmeg on top.  Do it to your own taste.  Same for the vanilla, make it to your taste.  A few times I've tossed in an inch or two of pods that I saved after scraping the seeds .


      Other sleep aids are valerian root and skullcap.  You should be able to find them in a supermarket.  



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