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Uriah, SASS # 53822

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Status Replies posted by Uriah, SASS # 53822

  1. Sheldon Wade,


     I will take the 380 ACP, if it’s a 3-die set. I don’t know what else it could be, but you never know.


    Al Loquasto

    4074 141st Ct W

    Rosemount, Mn 55068




    1. Uriah, SASS # 53822

      Uriah, SASS # 53822

       I use PayPal, occasionally.


      Alan Loquasto

      4074 141st Court West

      Rosemount, Mn 55068





    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Sheldon Wade,


     I will take the 380 ACP, if it’s a 3-die set. I don’t know what else it could be, but you never know.


    Al Loquasto

    4074 141st Ct W

    Rosemount, Mn 55068




    1. Uriah, SASS # 53822

      Uriah, SASS # 53822

       I use PayPal, occasionally.  Only business interest, how do I Do PayPal person to person? What kind of information do you need?


      Alan Loquasto

      4074 141st Ct W

      Rosemount, Mn 55068

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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