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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. Yes, we don't want a WMD like that crossing the border. A legal target shooter* might have some fun with that. *Thugs, drug dealers, thieves, car jackers, and gang bangers excepted are not required to comply.
  2. And we STILL don't have any!
  3. Do I like Maple Syrup? Yes. On waffles, pancakes, even on toast if I don't feel like going to the trouble of making the batter! AND I usually cook up Maple Flavour* bacon to go with it. * Yes, that's the correct way to spell it!!
  4. Courtesy of the Current Canadian Prime Minister. Getting a clearer picture now??
  5. The sure and certain indication he was NOT successful!
  6. Thanks for the warning!
  7. Looks like he has The Zombie Virus in his PC.
  8. But the damage to their reputations and the headlines read by the Low Information Voters did what it was supposed to do: Demonized them, legitimate firearm owners and the shooting sports in general. The joking comment made by President Elect Trump about Canada becoming the 51st State is getting traction in many quarters of Canada, that are greatly disturbed about the direction their country has taken in the last eight years.
  9. "The B-17 had 10 manned turrets.." ?? I'd be interested to see that configuration.
  10. Well Yul, your wife and daughter have good taste. You, unfortunately, on the other hand......................... But you are a good husband and Father and have a lot of friends, so find solace in that Pard.
  11. White Christmas by Bing Crosby.
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