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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. Here we is on page three. I warned ya this would trigger a Canadian themed post.
  2. Start them off with a chanter. I found my son didn't have the wind etc at an early age, but the chanter helped him get the fingering techniques.
  3. Hey Jabez !! Buffalo !! This was just too good to pass up. Our Dear Leader giving his daily update to the MSM. Note the reporters social distancing, under the tent and all the safety apparel they're wearing. Maybe it's a good thing he has banned The Rebel and Ezra Levant's reporters from attending his scrums.
  4. I've spent some time looking over the books I inherited from my uncle, in particular, "The Epic Of Vimy" which chronicles the Vimy Pilgrimage, for the dedication of the Vimy Memorial in 1936 by King Edward VIII, prior to his abdication. That's where I learned relatives on both my Mother and my Father's side were Vimy vets and had made the pilgrimage to Vimy for the dedication. They did not know one another and were in different Pilgrimage Companies. Sad to imagine that 3 short years later, we were at war again.
  5. Vimy Day yesterday. April 9 to the 12th, 1917 Unable to put a flag on my Uncle Ernie's grave this year. He was 17 when the battle occurred and had been in the trenches for a year and a half, after lying about his age and enlisting. He survived the battle as did his Father, but my Great Uncle George did not. Uncle George has no known grave, but with the progress of science and DNA perhaps someday we'll find him. Every year more are discovered and those buried as unknown are identified. Said a prayer for them all.
  6. First time I tried to groom my Bichon Frise, the poor guy looked something like that. Never again!! The looks of reproach he have me haunted me for quite a while.
  7. OOOHH ! Look over his shoulder, on the wall. HE'S GOT TOILET PAPER !
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