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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. WOW! Some real experts there! Shooting and RO's It would have been fun to watch them shoot that Tannerite! From a distance. A lot more distance.
  2. A notable exception to the "Purchase" system was the Royal Navy. My GG Grandfather rose from Midshipman to Vice Admiral, due to ability (and time in rank)
  3. I hurt a lot of feelings when I sent around a memo criticizing unnecessary meetings that seemed to be more about getting together on City time, having coffee, donuts and muffins, while the subject matter covered could have been handled by a quick conference call and a follow up memo or e-mail exchange. Drove me nuts when my office was burdened with actual work.
  4. Practice of purchase of a commission goes back to the mid 1600's. The thought was that the well off would be the better leaders, being educated etc. and having a monetary stake would help ensure loyalty and devotion to duty, as I understand it. Some learned their business and a lot didn't and it cost a lot of lives among those who took the King's Shilling.
  5. Prayers for your brother Mike heading his way, from the Northern Side of the Medicine Line.
  6. Commissions in the Army and Cavalry were purchased, with little regard to merit. It didn't always work for the best. The practice was abolished in the early 1870's if memory serves. The Royal Navy did not follow the practice.
  7. OH how I can relate! And the Best" part: if you're part of the "IN CROWD"? Well, it works like this: As Chairman, I send a memo to your boss telling them what a great job you do on the committee and how your input is greatly valued and appreciated. YOU send a memo to my boss saying what a great job I do as Chairman, or leader of the group! It all goes on our personnel files for year end bonuses or for future promotions. AND, the best part? You do nothing and accomplish nothing as a result of the meetings. Ask me how I know!!
  8. Friends of mine returned from their teaching contract in Tuktoyaktuk, NWT. with their Husky. Poor dog was freaked out about getting out of his crate and stepping n the lawn. We had to take the crate off the grass and on to the asphalt drive before he'd step out. It took a while for Bruno to adapt!!
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