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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. Those things work great! The one on our clubhouse stove moves 360 cu, feet a minute and quickly eliminates cold spots near the floor and in the corners.
  2. Prayers on the way Pard. Fell better soon.
  3. One can't help but marvel at the devotion to duty of these men.
  4. I was at work, at my desk, when an older friend came in and told us "Kennedy has been shot!" It was hard to believe. A couple of the ladies in the office started to cry.
  5. "Not available in your country"
  6. Imagine driving that thing with no ear protection!!
  7. Deleted. May be copyright. I couldn't get an answer.
  8. Deleted. May be copyright.
  9. Subdeacon: That shot of the logging tugboats made me remember my wife's Oncle Jacques P. who purchase a large former E.B. Eddy logging tug and refurbed it into a family cruiser, "Le Castor". It was a popular sight on the Ottawa River for years, with it's distinctive red and white colour scheme., where it had formerly served for many years towing boomed logs to the mill.
  10. Looks like it won't happen Pard. I kept the motor home, thinking I'd drive out, camping etc. but I still haven't got the worse knee replaced yet and now the right eye is giving me grief with a cataract. Soonest I can get in to the specialist? October 2025. (WHOOPEE! I'll almost be 82 and if JT is still around, maybe he'll offer me No Charge euthanasia.) Can't shoot my "new" Garand or either of the Buffalo rifles. I'm right handed and right eye dominant. Now the old brain is struggling trying to change to left eye dominant and the right is fighting about it. Trying to shoot accurately is a challenge! (Forget about times OK?)
  11. Taken from another site. Possible Copyright Infringement
  12. If you are wearing a kilt, it's Regimental. And when parading in the Drill Hall, every man paraded over a shiny brass plaque inlaid on the floor, where a Sgt. or the Sgt Major kept an eye. Questionable joke among the young troops was to have one come up from behind, on both sides, grab the hem of the kilt and hoist it! Extra points if they were talking to someone.
  13. They make nice pets. My wife, Sherron, with Fleur.
  14. Only rates an Honorable Mention in the DARWIN GROUP AWARDS Category.
  15. Taken from another sire. Possible Copyright Infringement
  16. Trying to lure someone into an infraction are we?
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