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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. Oh I dunno, some are pretty good lookin' ! Here was Sherron on her 50th birthday. I miss her.
  2. A side note: My wife and I got to meet Douglas Bader when he was Parade Marshal at the Calgary Stampede, I think 1974. I was "Back Home" from the East and was showing my wife around my old stomping grounds in Alberta and the NWT.
  3. There's a whole thread on the subject on Canadiangunnutz.
  4. Similar attitude where I grew up in Alberta. Guns checked in the clothes closet in the rear of the classroom. Strange though. Nobody got shot or injured. They must have been faulty.
  5. I have the same one! Crafted for by and given to us by a wonderful Jewish lady. Happy Hanukkah Sara. Miss you.
  6. Welcome Kidd! You'll find us a pretty good, easy going and knowledgeable group, from all walks of life.
  7. Skagway, Alaska and a steam powered snowblower for the Narrow Gauge, White Pass railroad. My late wife is the lady in the photo. Like me, she loved our Alaskan trips.
  8. Up here, offenders got the time as well as minimum of "10 (or 20) Going In and 10 (or 20) Going Out" * The practice only ended in the late 1960s * The lash
  9. Cartoon meme from another site without permission Possible Copyright Infringement
  10. Nah, Larry was just a little cramped up from sitting. It's a long drive from Ottawa to there and he's getting old and decrepit .
  11. A foot of snow!?!?! We don't have any.....Yet. Standing water, in the shade is frozen and the Weather Man is telling us freezing rain today/soon and overnight. OH GOODY! I just hope the sand and salting trucks are ready to go!!
  12. Hunting partner and I at the Arctic Watershed and the Atlantic Watershed.
  13. In Canada, the adultery clause was removed from the divorce laws, nationally, a few decades ago. Now it's "Irreconcilable Differences" A side note: up until 1963 divorces were handled by Parliament, then the Senate. That was changed in 1968.
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