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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. I went to the liquor store and got some Vodka and a couple of bottles of Irish, but, sadly, there was no Black Friday pricing!
  2. Even the Leftists are becoming aware.
  3. At the Sitka Raptor Center* This rescued bird had an injury that prevented it from being released.
  4. Possible Copyright Meme Infringement
  5. Quick thinking and good acting ability to pull that off!!
  6. Shall we all chip in and this one for ALPO for Christmas???? * I'll duck out now and hide for a bit, OK? ALPO? WHY are you holding that shotgun?? ALPO!
  7. We had ignition problems with the two small pistol Primer batches Palomino Pal had, using them in cold weather. PP just reminded me he had squibs with Titegroup and CFE Pistol. Other brands of primers had no issues in the same weather, same day.
  8. Billy's DEAD!?! I thought he was alive and in Canadian Parliament!!
  9. DANG! You should have waited man! Think of the pictures you could have taken for the Darwin Awards! GEEZ! I thought I taught ya better than that!!
  10. BIL Keeps a French Army, Indo China Machete beside his bed. Blade is about 1/4" thick, 20 " long, shaped, at the tip, like an Arabian Nights Scimitar and he keep it razor sharp. Plus he lives in the boonies, so....................
  11. Just like any other day for me. Get up, and make coffee. Check the e-mail. Read. Think about vacuuming or dusting. (Naw!) Wonder if I should start loading for next years matches. (Naw! I'll wait until the snow has me housebound.) Hop in the car and go for a drive to the range! YEAH!
  12. More "Feel Good" - "Fool the Fools" legislation, even in Australia. Good Lord Preserve Us! We are ruled by the stunned.
  13. I'll try to give you a call later Henry, but it's a problem with my hearing these days, even with the new fangled hearing trumpets!!
  14. Ever see what a turkey can do, with it's spurs, to a dog? They have miniature chainsaws on their feet. At least the wild ones do!
  15. Cross Draw and the 170 degree rule: Just step your left foot forward and pivot your body enough to pull, keeping the muzzle down, then point downrange and bring your foot back. Likely videos on line demoing it or ask someone at the next match you attend to demo it. I like it because it keeps me from fumbling with a revolver, transferring it to my strong hand. There is also a draw that MAY be acceptable, in the ranges you frequent, called "The Cavalry Twist" One of our Cowboys, the former CO of Lord Strathcona's Horse, a Canadian armour Regiment used it all the time, drawing full size Walkers.
  16. Try doing a nice glazed ham, with Clove Sauce. Nice eating!
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