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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. Dang Pards; we only have another week before he's able to get up and around, so let's make the most of it! He'll soon be out among us, all on his own! DANG!
  2. Thinking about it, but also waiting to hear about knee replacement surgery. It's already 4 years past due, because of COVID etc. I was thinking about driving the motorhome out and doing some sight-seeing and getting reacquainted with friends and family, but my riding partner tells me he can't make the trip. Something to do with a four letter word: WORK! Getting old sucks, but it beats the alternative.
  3. AH Just do what I do when I can't find the correct size socket or wrench. I bring out "THE FIT-ALL"* * Some people call them VICE GRIPS, but whatever. Potato-Potatoe.
  4. You and ALPO have been spending more time together haven't you???
  5. If you've been there you know!
  6. Dang things always go for the throat right away. Hard to fight them off!
  7. They have such an impact on our lives and we get to love them as a furry member of the family. And they know they are family. It's so hard to lose them. On a cheerier note:
  8. And here in Canada we have no cents (or sense for that matter!) Case in point: Our Prime Minister
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