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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. Tough when you lose a member of the family like that. My condolences.
  2. It was such a nice gun to shoot. I sold mine, just before the great "Handgun Transfer Freeze", imposed by the Prime Minister, on legally owned and registered handguns came into effect here in Canada. Gangsters, Terrorists, Drug Dealers, Gang Bangers and all other assorted thugs are of course exempt from the law.
  3. A Pard mentioned he was seating his 158 grain LRNFP bullets at the grease ring, rather than the crimp ring and they were feeding OK in his .357 rifle. We'll have to try that, since .357 brass is not as plentiful here at the moment and my chum has a lot of .38Spl Federal brass, from his days of shooting American Eagle factory fodder. Just too bad the .357 brass is so bulged at the rim that the sized reloads won't chamber.
  4. Good Lord, that is ugly.
  5. Hodgdon was unable to provide an ETA on Trail Boss, so you pards may get some by years end, if the ships don't sink. We here in Canada, on the other hand are unlikely to see any until after October 2025 and then, only if the gun stores are able to survive that long. More shooters, and others, in Canada, are looking favourably at President Trumps, tongue in cheek comment about Canada becoming the 51st State.
  6. Last time I looked, a carton of 200 "legal" cigarettes was over 105.00 Cigarettes from the Rez run about 20 to 25 dollars per 200, No cigarettes in stores are allowed to be seen and are behind opaque doors.
  7. We, especially firearm owners in Canada, are the most peaceful law abiding segments of Canadian society. Most won't even speed or run red lights, because, as holders of Possession and Acquisition Licenses, we are subject to a daily check by the RCMP and the Chief Firearms Officer using computerized Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) posted information to ensure we have not committed any offence in the preceding 24 hours. This is checked every day, 365 days a year. Gang Bangers, Thieves, Drug Dealers etc. (having no PAL) are of course exempted of this requirement and CCW with little or no restraint.
  8. Here in Canada, we are facing ever increasing attacks on the LEGAL ownership of firearms, while the current left wing coalition parties (Liberal/NDP) REDUCED the mandatory penalties for the criminal use of firearms. Some of the firearms on THE LIST are actually .22 LR, so even the MSM here is wondering what use they would be to the Ukrainians. The maneuvering among the left wing parties, to avoid the defeat of the minority ruling party that forms the government, is something to behold. Even the MSM, who have received $$$$$$$$ from the government, are starting to question WHY? The WHY is easy to answer of course: MONEY PENSION MONEY! If a number of them can hang on they will receive a really nice one! They attempted to extend the mandatory election date a week or two beyond the October 20, 2025 "GOTTA HAPPEN BY LAW" date but the national outcry stopped it. Until recently, much of the HEADS UP! THIS IS HAPPENING was coming from privately funded NGOs like The National Citizens Coalition; The Canadian Taxpayers Association , Canada Proud etc. and gadfly politicians with principles. We expect there will be even more before they are forced from office, as current projections show they are facing a well deserved, ignominious defeat in the election.
  9. Just one tiny word of caution: If the rifle is chambered for .357, make sure it will feed .38spl. A pard has a .357 rifle* that has issues and becomes a Jam-O-Matic when he tries to feed it .38spl. *Sorry, I don't recall the make. On the subject of those SASS NMVs - Congratulations! I have them in .45 Colt and with the lower Montado hammer and the smaller grips, I find them more comfortable than my OMVs. They don't make me any faster, just more comfortable. Enjoy!
  10. Ours in Ontario specify "Antlered" as well, but I wanted to avoid confusion in case any of your states word it differently.
  11. SWMBO always wiped the top and used a straw.
  12. I saw one brought in whole, to the warden's offices, to prove what the guy had shot had antlers, since he only had a buck tag.
  13. We had been at war with the Fascists for almost 27 months and were struggling, but keeping on, thanks to surreptitious and not so surreptitious help from the USA. My Father, a RCAF, pre-war Regular, came home to his bride of three months and told her: "We just won the war. The Americans are now in. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour." Thank-you America. God Bless+
  14. Why do you advise not to use it in shotgun?
  15. Hopefully there is an avenue for appeal to a higher court.
  16. Possible Copyright Infringement
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