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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. That reminded me! Our Bichon did the same thing with the same result! And he HATED the water! Talk about a sorrowful fellow till we dried him off!
  2. I tried steel and steel washed brass hulled 12 ga in my Wyatt Earp and my Norinco open hammer SxS and they always hung up. A pard tried them in his '97 model and had similar issues. AA's no problem I tried honing the chambers and it helped but the hull didn't" fly out with the CAS over the shoulder jerk. I used the last of the ones I had for the last shotgun blast, when the shotgun was the last to be used. (OK-OK, I know I'm cheap)
  3. Maple flavour bacon is popular up here. Sadly, at my age with my high BP, the Sawbones tells me to "Lay off everything that tastes good!" Then he laughed, the stinker!
  4. Here in Canada, the fellow who taught me to fly, lost an eye in an accident. He was able to keep flying, just turned his head a lot more, but he no longer taught.
  5. Well, if'n ya'd quit livin' and playin' with snakes, crocadills, sharks and other things tryin' to kill ya, ya wouldn't need them!!! * Get well soon!
  6. OK, If she's coming at you from the side and you can't turn reeaallllyy fast, You're Toast!
  7. In honour of your USA Thanksgiving, Big Red and I had Butter Chicken over rice. Tasty.
  8. The helicopters I've flown in had foot pedals, controlling the tail rotor pitch.
  9. I no longer answer calls the Caller ID show no name for, just the number. As these are always scam or spoof calls, for a while I spoofed them back. I recorded "The Screaming Chinese Lady" from calls I was getting and turned it on when I answered the scammer. We pulled a good one once at the range. My cell phone buzzed and I noticed the "V" prefix before the telephone number they were spoofing, so Tom and I staged the sound of a gunfight c/w yells and warnings.
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