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Caliope Cupcake #13981

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About Caliope Cupcake #13981

  • Birthday June 26

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    The Cowboys, Dammit Gang aka Yummy-Dammit, TDSC #79 KICKASS #39

Contact Methods

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    MermaidCalifornia@yahoo.com on facebook

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  • Gender
  • Location
    La Mirada, CA 90638
  • Interests
    Historical reenactment four centuries; Sewing costumes; Cake & Cookie service; Special Ed teacher and In-Home Reading tutor gr. K-12; Swim teacher private lessons every summer 60 yrs; Country Western & swing dancing; Real Estate agent [my 8th career].

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Caliope Cupcake #13981's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)





    1. Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

      Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

      Hi, Cheryl!


      I'm good!  LOL... Good and retired and plugging along.  Winding down from some of my BSA stuff...  I keep threatening to get back into shooting.  Heck, not sure if I ever will or not, but I've started hanging out at the range a bit.  


      There've surely been some changes!


      How 'bout you???  :)

    2. Caliope Cupcake #13981

      Caliope Cupcake #13981

      EoT was really nice and fun.  I hope they do it again in AZ.  That range is enormous--like a square mile at least. I moved into my childhood home La Mirada 2019 [ abt 30 min from Raahauges] after Mom & Dad passed 2017-18. I cleaned out the house, back pool room, garage in 5 mos. and saved the treasures, then moved in here as Dad said I could in a handwritten codicil [addendum to will]. It has been lots of work but no rent, just $1200 prop tax ea. yr. --Less than my apt. rent for 6 yrs after selling my houses 2013. I retired from teaching 2015 so every day is Sat. Now it's been 2.5 yrs here and my sister has demanded her half and to sell, or I buy her out.  She gave me 3 weeks to leave in Dec.!  I couldn't even pack it all in that time. l hired an atty specializing in estates and he filed petition on my behalf so a judge will determine the validity of Dad's codicil since she left that part out! ...and he will tell me how long I may stay here. Online court date is June. Swim lessons start soon; parents are calling already. The city came knocking the last 3 days to nofity my they are removing our giant 65 yr old trees out front. I told them I got the message, don't come back. It will be Mar. 30th :( 

  3. that's why people like living here--it is a big state, and we have all four seasons, all year, every week, somewhere. hey, even Hawai'i has snow.
  4. Mom's birthday was yesterday--87! She always says she was born on the 13th day of the 13th month
  5. yes, and some committed suicide because of it, including his own son
  6. SOLD--THANX FOR LOOKING! You women shooters know all about these culottes. FABRIC IS A PECAN COLOR and still has sizing [stiffness]. They are like trousers with wide straight legs and an A-line shape. There is a double row button down apron in the front, so they appear to be a skirt. The waist band comes to a point in the front and back with one belt loop center back. There are two long side-slit pockets. The length is to mid-calf or ankle depending on how tall you are. They have a lovely tight pleat at the back seam, and hug the rear-end nicely. The star buttons are bronze color. I replaced the first button with a flatter larger one for ease of use and to keep closed much better; but I will include the original one. Seldom worn, never washed, no holes or worn out areas. No problems that I can see; may have dirt smudges, hanger marks or stains I missed. Some dust from long time hanging in the closet. Recommend washing in cold water only or dry clean. IRON INSIDE OUT--or the fabric will get shiny--100 % COTTON Waist 14" across Length abt 40" Bottoms 22" across at end of pleat -- about at the tail bone/hips Asking $20. with $14. shipping Thanky, CC CaliopeCupcake@msn.com Will try to post pix on here Link for photos: http://www.ebay.com/itm/162347691439?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  7. Happy New Year Pards! I began SS benefits last May at 65. I needed some added income now, and glad I did it. I've had 8 careers, but never worked in the system long enough to accumulate any real retirement nest-egg. Even after delivering the mail for 6 yrs, I took out what I earned the last year they let us, and bought the kids braces! Not even teaching school for 15 yrs, or working in beauty salons 20 yrs, it just didn't pay off to wait any longer, you need 30 yrs for many participation plans. I still tutor 6 mos a year for a nat'l company 8 yrs, and teach swim lessons the other 6 mos. for 55 yrs. self employed
  8. hi

    1. Major Pain

      Major Pain

      Cupcakes, pie, donuts, turnovers, cookies, Ding Dongs, Twinkies, cakes, brownies, strudel, crime puffs, tarts, bear claws, cannolis, Danish ad infinitum! Soooooo many, so little time!

      Will you bring me some cupcakes to EOT? It's vital I keep my blood sugar at a high level. I shoot faster when it is. I don't want to be a "pain."

      Major Pain

      SASS #86,012

      Dixie Desperados

      St. George, UT.


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