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Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

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Status Replies posted by Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

  1. Is that a blued or octagon barrel with the in the white receiver??

  2. Shipping cost $12.98 so let's just say $10 plus the price of the WahMaker pants for a total of $45.


    If you do PayPal, my email address is gunsmoke928@yahoo.com


    If you prefer a money order, my address is 

    Steve Powell

    28465 Powell Road 

    Madison, AL 35756


    Just let me know how you prefer 


    1. Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      I recd the PayPal funds and shipped your pants. UPS tracking number 1z976y040318441416



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. They are still available. If you would send me your address, I will get you a shipping quote.



    Steve Powell

    1. Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      Shipping cost for the pants will be $11.16 so let's just say $10 plus the price of the WahMaker pants for a total of $45.


      If you do PayPal, my email address is



      If you prefer to send a money order, my address is

      Steve Powell

      28465 Powell Road

      Madison, AL 35756


      Just let me know which you prefer



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. The shipping cost for the 6 shirts is $16.75 for a total of 136.75.  My email address is gunsmoke28@yahoo.com 


    if if you want to do PayPal, let me know and I'll send a funds request if needed.



    Steve Powell


    1. Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      PayPal funds received.  I'll ship tomorrow and send you a tracking number.


      Thank you sir

      Steve Powell



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. The shipping cost for the 6 shirts is $16.75 for a total of 136.75.  My email address is gunsmoke28@yahoo.com 


    if if you want to do PayPal, let me know and I'll send a funds request if needed.



    Steve Powell


  6. The shipping cost for the 6 shirts is $16.75 for a total of 136.75.  My email address is gunsmoke28@yahoo.com 


    if if you want to do PayPal, let me know and I'll send a funds request if needed.



    Steve Powell


    1. Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      Hey, no problem. I might have sent the info to the wrong place on here... Did you do PayPal ?   

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Pants #2 is. 36 waist is this ok?

    1. Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      Ok, if you would send me your address I'll get a shipping quote




    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. 1-2-3 and 4 pants are 36's and available

    bib shirts 5 and 6 are available.  I live in Madison out by the old Greenbrier.  Call me and we'll just meet. Let me know which ones you want .  Looks like shirts 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 and 10 are sold PF.

    256-777-3737 Steve Powell

    1. Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      You got them.  Your buddy Big Iron Ranger is getting some stuff too.  Y'all might get together or I can send everything with one or the other.  Just let me know.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. 1-2-3 and 4 pants are 36's and available

    bib shirts 5 and 6 are available.  I live in Madison out by the old Greenbrier.  Call me and we'll just meet. Let me know which ones you want .  Looks like shirts 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 and 10 are sold PF.

    256-777-3737 Steve Powell

  10. 1-2-3 and 4 pants are 36's and available

    bib shirts 5 and 6 are available.  I live in Madison out by the old Greenbrier.  Call me and we'll just meet. Let me know which ones you want .  Looks like shirts 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 and 10 are sold PF.

    256-777-3737 Steve Powell

    1. Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      Conley' Pettamore SASS51892

      I've got some real nice guns I'm gonna sell too. You may be interested before I post them.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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