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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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Posts posted by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

  1. And they took away your Right to freely express your views, on the direction that Canada Was Heading, we can no longer tell the truth about the liberal Corruption and out right theft of taxpayer funds. 

    They removed the right to buy and sell Property legally held, and the right to pass on historical arms to family members...

    The list of crimes committed by the PM is too long to list, Just the the ones that I am aware of should have him in jail for 55 years, if he was sentenced to the minimum specified penalties laid out in the law... 

    And then there is the Small matter of Treason, the only hanging offence left on the books of Canadian Law...


    Jabez Cowboy  

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  2. Sad but true, A family of 4 made up of Mom and two Kids and Dad Sarg. 1st class gets less that a welfare family of 4, BUT an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT gets  More than Both Families put together... And Also One Illegal gets 240% more than a Canadian Citizen that worked and paid in the Maximum amount for 40 Years...  


    Jabez Cowboy 

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
  3. We are having a ride from my Church this Sunday, Service at 11am, Be-Que in parking lot, followed by a ride South on Highway 2, To Ft. Macleod, West on Highway 3, to Pincher Creek (fuel Stop, bladder check), possible stop at Lumbreck Falls, west to Highway 22 North to Chain Lakes ( Icecream stop) continue North on Highway 22 to Highway 533 east to Highway 2 then south back to Church/Home ( some will likely head North Back to Calgary )

    Last ride had about 38 bikes...

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  4. She got a slap on the wrist, for starting 46 Fires , the one that I was thinking of...

    My brother saw two young men, starting a fire in B.C. last year.. Got on the phone to neighbours and 6 of them couldn't stop ,them from being roughed up a bit before turning them over to the Police... They must have fallen ...


    Jabez Cowboy

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  5. The Nutcase Fire starting Season has started...

    It seems that Left has decided that it is a good idea to start fires, and blame it on Climate Change...

    They use to call Global Warming...


    Jabez  Cowboy 

    • Sad 2
  6. So very Sad... 

    I hear he is looking for a new Wife, she must have an IQ double his, that means an IQ of 2 will do...


    He is getting tired of Jagmeet, says the beard tickles...


    Jabez Cowboy


    • Haha 1
  7. But both our Nations need to get the Right Thinking Folk out to Vote... 

    And push for in-person voting ...

    And all over-seas votes should has member of the Service along to see that the votes are counted and not just put in the dumpster out back ...

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  8. Howdy all ye Grumps and ner-do -wells: 

    Page 5,,,, 

    Sorry I haven't been Keeping up with these posts, I have been taking a Course On-line at our Bible college, 6 weeks of intense learning. A semester compressed into 6 weeks... 


    Well Grump on!


    Jabez Cowboy

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