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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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Everything posted by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

  1. Yes I am very thankful she is Ok, it's taken me 38 years to train her as far as I have so Far... Don't think I have enough time to train a new one ... Jabez Cowboy
  2. Looks like about 8,000 in Damage to the Wife's Car... Just thankful she was able to scrub of most of the Speed. And it hit on the passenger Side of center... Now comes the question, will they fix it or Write it off... Jabez Cowboy
  3. I recommend that you don't try and give Moose a ride on the front of your Car... Jabez Cowboy
  4. My wife decided to give a moose a ride on the front of her car this past Tuesday after dark ................ She is fine, and the moose walked away, about 8,000 in damage to the Car... Jabez Cowboy
  5. Howdy CLK You coming to the SASS Canadian Nationals in 2024 ??? Jabez Cowboy
  6. Hey Mud when are you coming back to shoot in Canada??? Jabez Cowboy
  7. Blackwater, No matter what my Dog says,,,, Don't give her any Cookies... Jabez Cowboy
  8. Coffee and Pumpkin Cookies Fer da Grumps.... Jabez Cowboy
  9. Well now ya bunch of Missfits and Grumps, Winter is getting started ..... Time to really cut loose... Jabez Cowboy
  10. The Liberal Government Was offering Veterans Assisted Suicide .... After all why should they receive the benefits they were promised and are entitled to ... Jabez Cowboy
  11. Rifle season opens on the West side of the Queen "E" tomorrow, 5/8 0f a mile west of My place... Not ready... Jabez Cowboy
  12. Page 11 ... Bad form... Really Grumpy Now !!!!!!!!!!! Jabez Cowboy
  13. Oh where Oh Where have all da Grumps Gone... To Nantucket Fer a Bucket... Keep on Grumping... Jabez Cowboy
  14. COG had his knees done, says they work real fine,,,, But you can't really believe that old Codger... Jabez Cowboy
  15. CLK; Looks like the SASS Nationals will be closer to you next year just outside of Saskatoon... And We will be hosting the SASS Western regionals.... Jabez Cowboy
  16. Ya mean like in CanaStan today? Back from page 3... Jabez Cowboy
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