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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Everything posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. Like this, J Mark? (Helluva shot with that snubbie, too! )
  2. Attaboy, Mr Paxton! Texas attorney general drops a great big Yuletide truth bomb on school districtMebbe Mister Trump could draft the gentleman for the Fed level job.
  3. Oh, Clay... take heart! The good news is she's out of her AG job. The bad news is she's now our new senator.
  4. There’s a gentleman I’ve known for a number of years through Scouting. A local attorney, he has always been dedicated family man, very active in his church, and with a giving personality. Sheldon Feigel was a “Scout’s Scouter,” serving in a number of demanding positions, including Scoutmaster, WoodBadge Staffer, and more. He’s also a recipient of his district’s Award of Merit, and the Silver Beaver… and he’s credited with guiding a number of boys to earning their Eagle rank. At 0630 on January 15, 2014, evidently under the order of the state Attorney General, Kamala Harris, armed DOJ officers entered the home of Sheldon and his wife, Stacey. With guns drawn, they arrested the Feigels. Their children still in bed, and officers entered their bedrooms with guns trained on the kids (ranging in age from younger than 10 to late teens). Stacey and Sheldon Feigel were accused of being part of a real estate scam in which a California state law was abused to steal homes. The scam was a completely nonviolent crime in which Sheldon Feigel, who is an attorney, and his cohorts allegedly used false documents to get title to abandoned properties and resell or rent them - a totally non-violent crime. Feigel declared his innocence, and his attorney said he passed a lie detector test. Stacey was released, and Sheldon was detained. A hearing was to be held on February 03. As she entered the courthouse to participate in the hearing and support her husband, Stacey had a massive heart attack, and died. Almost three years later, there is justice – of sorts. Last Thursday, December 08, 2016, Sheldon received some relief. In an unusual move, a Fresno County Superior Court judge has not only dismissed the charges, but apologized to Sheldon for a nearly three-year legal ordeal during which his wife died and he was disbarred. Judge W. Kent Hamlin dealt a major blow to the high-profile California Department of Justice investigation. Hamlin granted the prosecution’s motion to dismiss the case against Feigel with prejudice, meaning charges can’t be refiled against him. “Honestly, as I look at this case, I am puzzled as to how you were ever charged in this case and I’m disturbed by everything I’ve read about this case and how you and your family were treated in this case,” Hamlin told Feigel. “And since you won’t get the apology from the attorney general or the Department of Justice, on their behalf I’ll apologize for them.” Prayers up for the Feigels, in that they may reassemble their lives. Justice...?
  5. Finally managed to snap a picture of Col. Frame's painting, done by a fella named Skip Rains. The story was that his wingman had spotted the Japanese plane and transmitted the sighting, then Frame popped out of a cloud behind 'im. "Got the drop on 'im!" Not too many Zeroes nailed by P-39's!
  6. So a few years ago there was discussion about having some sort of national ID card... and there arose a hue and outcry about government control: "Show me your papers!" Look where that mindset is leading us. But... is sure seems to work for Mexico! Mexico's National Voter ID
  7. Well TS, it's like this... 'Bout oncet a week or so, the Garbage Fairy comes along and takes stuff from yer garbage cans - kinda like a honeybee in the springtime. But they sends ya a bill; they expects ya to send 'em money. Greedy ba$tards! They already get all that free garbage and they ain't satisfied. And if ya forgets to take your garbage cans out for 'em the night before, the garbage pig will fill yer shoes with mush. [According to Mike Cleary, the former morning personality on KNBR radio station.] :-) But seriously... to buy a firearm, you need an automobile registration, electric or water bill, garbage bill, or some such with your name and address on it. Can't be trustin' their own issued ID's, don'tcha know.
  8. Yeah... that one got MY attention!!
  9. For many years after he was gone I had my old Britanny Woody's last dog tag on my key ring... eventually worn to the point where I could barely read his name. Sadly, I eventually lost the key ring.
  10. So tomorrow some ladies in the office are hosting an annual "rummage sale" holiday fundraiser. Well... I was peeking at some of their "wares," and Lo, there it was ~ the moose in a rocking chair. When you pinch it, the danged thing rocks and sings "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" as it's nostrils light up. Oh my! And of course, this brings to mind some bizarre gifts I've received in the past... like the Billy Bass (former mother-in-law), and the talking duck (NO idea who gave that thing to me), and more... Anyone care to share tales of odd Holiday gifts of Christmas past...? And O Lordy, I pray I don't get a singing moose!
  11. Yeah... ain't that sumpin'. A state-issued driver's license is not sufficient ID to buy a firearm in our state... ya gotta have a garbage bill or some such to supplement it. Sheesh. I wonder if anyone's ever done a study to determine how much this stuff has reduced crime...
  12. That is freakin' amazing, Joe...! So what are the projectiles?
  13. Mostly didn't do so well at altitude because the Army decided to leave the superchargers off the production models. Fella in the office has a large painting of a P-39 on his office wall ~ one that his Dad flew in the Pacific. Cool picture, a depiction of him about to shoot down a Zero... which he actually did! As the story went, he popped out of a cloud and there he was. Never knew what hit 'im. The future Lt Col Frame was a dairyman at heart... and his plane's tail bore a depiction of Elsie the Cow. Bill - the fella at work - still drives one of his Dad's vehicles, complete with a bumper sticker proclaiming the owner as a "P-39 Jock" A couple of portions of the painting... I'll try to get a complete one when I get back to work.
  14. Thanks, TB...!

    Shux, even I'd wanna stay at a BassPro B 'n' B - especially that one~!!

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