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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Everything posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. Back in 1984 Hank and I made this bumper for my then-new Ford Ranger. Walls were 1/2" with 5/8" plate "plugs" welded into the ends. I was once rear-ended by a gal in a new Buick Regal. Her car was totaled; I did major repairs to my rig by replacing the four 5/8" bolts that fastened it to the frame, and buying a rattle-can of paint. Another time a some guy cut it too close trying to park next to me in a parking structure. Nicely creased the side of his new Mercedes. "Gee, fella... that's too bad!"
  2. Tires are on backwards.
  3. Spray 'er anyway. She needs it!
  4. We're 'Gorilla Glue.' The only things we can't fix are the Crack of Dawn, a Broken Heart, and Stupid.
  5. What a terrific idea! Hmmm... I do believe I have an extra one o' them dispensers out in the garage... thinkin' I might just have to set it up in my own kitchen~!!
  6. Don't forget about BARGE CEMENT~!! Heck...we used it for everything from re-attaching boot soles to gluing Volkswagen crankcase halves together.
  7. Slim, are you dragging a picture in to the body of your post? I've had something similar happen when I do that; if you save the graphic then use the "choose files..." next to the paper clip at the bottom of the page to load the picture it should work. Maybe.
  8. If'n ya look at it, it's a big red "X" in front of a framed picture...
  9. I got it! It's an "X-Rated Picture~!"
  10. I reckon Slim's got the hiccups.
  11. When I was a kid in Texas the danged mosquitos were so big they had to wear skates to take off and land. Some even had insignia on their wings!
  12. Just don't have her paint your Porch...
  13. That SO reminds me of "Bonehead English" in Junior High School~!
  14. Gub'mint workers, undoubtedly...
  15. Does that remind anyone of this tragic escalator failure...?
  16. Go for it! I think I might start warming up with a nap right now!
  17. Well, that's peculiar! On my tablet, I see the same thing YOU see, but on my laptop I see THIS: (I re-saved the original .PNG as a .JPEG, then copied to the thread)
  18. That gal has BIG FEET~!! ^^^^ At least, one of 'em~!
  19. Sassparilla Kid and I built this one a bunch of years ago for an American Cancer Society Relay For Life event. I submit that mine is more true to the original.
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