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Tn Tombstone

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Posts posted by Tn Tombstone

  1. Things are looking good here at Pondarosa Pines, stages are set, grass is dead, looks like things may cool down a little by Thursday. The campers and shooters are starting to arrive.

    Hope to see everyone shortly, safe travels.

    • Like 2
  2. Starting to get packed for Black Gold, Giving the liver a few days off, takes about a week to get ready for a few days.

    See everyone in a few weeks, too far out to believe the lie"n weather folks so lets guess it is going to be warm/hot with some rain on a few afternoons.



    • Like 1
  3. Cleaned out/off the ice cream maker, found me some good South Carolina peaches and worked on my peach ice cream recipe. That worked well, now for the chocolate recipe for Lady T. 


    One month and counting. See you there.

    • Like 1
  4. After much discussion, fussin and gnashing of teeth we have decided to postpone the Lasagna throw down  at Black Gold due to something about heat and humidity, and heavy food. I was not paying any attention by that point. I was thinking about what would go down really well.....

    Ice Cream came to mind. So starting on Friday lets break out the churns and turn out some Ice Cream. All flavors welcome,


    Friday afternoon crank your engines and let the churns run. If it is a hit on Friday maybe we can make some more on Saturday.

    • Like 5
  5. I met the family yesterday, what a wonderful group.

    I was talking more about the pesky kids we call Sidekick and his sidekick Lefty or is it Lefty and his sidekick Sidekick. Cant remember, seems like a lot of Crown disappears when they are around.


    Seem TN State is a pretty good draw this year, last night the folks at the campground came from Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Georgia, and Kid Rich dropped by for a short visit so another for Arizona. Glad Dixie and Reno showed up last night so TN would be represented.

    Lets see how this goes starting tonight.

    • Like 5
  6. KK, I think I saw a few ducks on your lake this morning....Just saying


    Hells Comin and Chicken George at the campground. That is starting to sound like a small party, now I just wonder if those pesky kids are going to show up.

    • Haha 4
  7. Hells Comin, the campground is in Shelbyville too. If you want to drop by we are sitting at

    790 Whitthorne Street. Drop by and visit a while if you get out. There are only three or four of us today but most will be rolling in tomorrow..


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    • Thanks 1
  8. We normally end up at Bell Buckle at least one day. Sometimes two not counting the banquet. Hard to beat that corn and taters.

    Ms Bobby, my week is pretty messed up right now but I hope to be back at camp on Wednesday evening in time to see everyone. I will probably just go with the flow. So what ever folks want to do is fine with me. As you know I am always up for cooking.


    Dave, someone else will have to respond about the cake, as most know I am a certified choc-o-holic. I admit I have a problem.

    • Like 1
  9. Lets talk about food at the campground.

    Plan on cooking dead things on Thursday evening. Wednesday will work too but a lot of folks eat out on Wednesday since they are just getting there.

    I will have grill and griddle ready for anything not still mooooving.

    Lets get this party started.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. CC Moonshine, Glad you chimed in. I was going to say at the NRA Show last week....


    Every time I went by the Taylor booth they were  packed and it was not Cowboys packing the booth.


    You all certainly had a better view then I did but I did get out of our booth quite a bit.

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