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Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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Everything posted by Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

  1. my hat is off to the guy that did this test. Glad it was posted
  2. different check here as there is an entire subforum on this: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/forumdisplay.php?184-Coatings-and-Alternatives
  3. I'll need your email

    email me and I'll reply with the booklets



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  4. I could live in that! course the cost of batteries would make it necessary as I wouldn't have a house any more cr
  5. TRR will have its monthly match Feb 4-5. Six stages each day and the nicest people you would ever want to meet on a Honda (gotta be old to make sense of this one) Details, directions and 'other stuff' can be found at http://www.thunderriverrenegades.com/ We're directly across from the Texas Renaissance Festival which is above Tomball and Magnolia, TX Weather is going to be beautiful and you can't get much better than shooting 'cowboy' in the early Spring in The Republic cheyenne
  6. We dress like we did when we were 12 years old and have nicknames; live like it was the 1880s. I was silly when silly wasn't cool cr
  7. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm trying to say Since I'm old with a questionable back I found that the weight of the cartridges on the gun belt will be noticeable by the end of the match. I'm the guy that will also stage my pistols in my gun cart between stages--pretty much anything that will removed weight from the old back Again just my 2¢ cr
  8. If you're ever in our neck of the woods stop by and shoot a spell. we're directly across from the Texas Renaissance Festival in Toad (joke there) Mission Thunderriverrenegades.com
  9. headed out today to load up some hotter loads; basically take my rifle loads and use the pistol bullet. Match is this weekend so we'll see. Good thing I'm not counting on these two pistols as my main match ones. Ruger OMV have never had a problem with the loads so why change what isn't broken? (at least in those revolvers?)
  10. nicely done what caliber? see someone told you, or you knew it already, not to use brass cases in bullets. Yea, I know it's fine for a day or two but I'm known to forget from month to month cr
  11. Red Dot use it in 32s, 9mm, 38s, 45 ACP, 45 Colts and reduced load 45-70s
  12. same here. 200 gr not enough to keep blow back out of my eyes 250 gr = fine
  13. All we had at the range today was that ammo. Was for the rifle; didn't know he was bringing his revolvers. I'll increase the amount of powder and report back cr
  14. As mentioned above: in place of Dawn use Armor-All Wash and Wax liquid or something similar (wally world auto section is usually cheapest) I've had brass for over a year stay shiny. Darkens a bit but still is shiny. You get a microscopic coating of wax on the brass and that will keep O2 away from the metal. No extra work involved either cr
  15. Got one that has stumped us: Ammo is .45 Colt loaded to mild SASS loads--all same batch of ammo using 200 gr Lee RNFP bullets Revolvers (all .45 Colt): Uberti open top conversion 1860 (friend’s) Uberti Bird’s Head (friend’s) Pair of Cattleman (mine) so all the guns are Ubertis. The ammo works fine in the Cattleman; no hang ups, no FTF, smooth cocking between shots In the open top and Bird’s Head after the first shot both lock up. We can only get hammer back about half way. Cylinder will not turn. Have to remove the cylinders by pulling base pin. Things we checked: Bolt works as it is supposed to. Revolver operates fine without ammo. Cocks smoothly and no hang up of cylinder. With one round in chamber will shoot it and cylinder will spin. (Ammo also works fine in Ruger Vaqueros Old Models FWIW) This is my standard pistol load for about last 5 years. What’s has us stumped is ammo works fine in two of four pistols but not all of them Hard to believe it’s the ammo but then hard to believe it’s a firearm problem, also. Open to the expertise of the experts cheyenne
  16. saw a video of Donald Trump Jr talking about how great they would be to save shooters' hearing. If the wait and stamp go away might look into it ...now where would I find an 1880s silencer? cr
  17. I use liquid lanolin and HEET which you can get at an auto parts or wally world. It's 99% alcohol so it evaporates quickly. found a cheap spray bottle at CVS and use a 12 to 1 ratio. I control amount of lanolin on cases by how much I spray. sometimes will put regular rubbing alcohol on towel and slide reloaded rounds back and forth to remove lanolin or few minutes in tumbler or most time just not worry about removing it. Latest batch is 5 months old and really can't see that the level has gone down in spray bottle cr
  18. I used my Marlin .45 Colt on a hunt one time Grocery store manager threw me out cr
  19. Howdy Mark VII (wasn't that the company that produced Dragnet?) Let us know what part of the country you're from. If you lucky enough to be in The Republic and on top of that around the town that's hosting the Super Bowl I'm inviting you to come out and I'll get you and the Mrs. all set up to shoot a couple of matches--guns, ammo, the whole kit and caboodle; you might need a hat but that's optional What is said above is all great advice. Read the rules and such and find a club you can visit. Almost all of us had folks show us the ropes and cowboys are great examples of 'paying it forward' ...and keep those questions coming. There's a wealth of knowledge here on the Wire cr
  20. +1 people have bad days and as said above get embarrassed, some more easily than others. Start fresh at this point and more forward (sounds like an ad campaign there) cr
  21. there is the option of doing your own. Over on Cast Boolits ( http://castboolits.gunloads.com/forumdisplay.php?184-Coatings-and-Alternatives) they have a subsection called Coatings and Alternatives that deals with this process. Actually there are two: Hi-Tek and tumble coating in a #5 plastic container with AirSoft BBs and the powder. I do all of mine except the BP ones. In fact some times I find myself casting so I can try out mixing the powders for new and 'interesting' color results (and some are awful but they all go down the barrel) I enjoy it and it has added to my hobby of casting bullets for cowboy shooting. cr
  22. we have membership cards? if so I haven't seen mine in ages. clubs still take my money and let me shoot course haven't seen my 'youth' for a long time either cr
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