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Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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Everything posted by Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

  1. I put a hook on the back of the curved handle of my rugged gear cart and carry the stool that way. The legs fit in front of the rear axle and are off the ground about 6". It's out of the way till needed
  2. being a retired teacher that started just after the middle school concept arrived from California('70) the idea was middle school 6-8 grades, was supposed to be more like elementary than high school--this was to help those kids that needed a bit more 'hand-holding' as they grew up didn't work out that way--middle was more of a smaller version of the high schools Houston area.
  3. Our club has its own range. Timers are in the office. We pull them out when we are setting up for our matches our .22 & Pistol-Caliber Long Range event during our practice day also can grab one as needed I carry extra 9v batteries in my gun cart Thunder River Renegades
  4. and wear way too big boots while you're at it
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