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Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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Posts posted by Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

  1. 2 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:

    The biggest problem I have with side matches is the lack of information.


    If you’ve never been to a particular match before, how are you going to know what’s available and what firearms to bring? 


     A schedule of events is something else a lot of clubs seem to overlook. When is registration? What time is the safety meeting? What events are on which day. 

     All of the above should be in the same document as the match registration form. 

     If I’m considering attending a particular match it really helps to know what’s offered and when. 



    we sent the side match judges' instructions out with our registration form.  that way the shooters had a pretty good idea of what to expect


    had schedule of events on the form also



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  2. a bit of history:  started out with fastest (fill in the firearm) = all the fast guns won.  Middle of the pack and lower didn't have a chance


    went to zero-time events where you guess how long it takes you to shoot 5 rounds and then compare that to your actual time, closest  guess/real time wins = everyone had a chance to win the keys to the Caddy.  But you can only shoot so many of those before you get bored


    so what else is out there that is interesting and works off a level playing field?




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