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Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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Everything posted by Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

  1. I just identify with ♫ Gory, Gory ♪ instead of the Army one
  2. looks like one of our cats--but smaller. we tend to over feed our clowder
  3. If visitors show up without a member accompanying them we usually will see if they would like to "shoot a few" after the match. We have a number of us who will stay after and let them learn about and fire our guns. If they don't want to we are still happy as clams to answer their questions.
  4. we had one lady shoot it at our Annual last year. Her check cleared so we were fine with it
  5. back in the day (80's) we kept the fire engines running for the entire call the ambulances we shut off while we were out of them. after my time, they started locking the ambulances--sad statement about how the population had changed
  6. Saturday, Feb 8, temp prediction for Houston is 84° and humidity will bring it up to a heat index of 90°
  7. saw the same evolution of TS. right now in our part of The Republic, you can have both hands on one gun if you choose
  8. best line, "Your mother is a witch, ever see her float?"
  9. Late to this thread but here is a photo of the gun in question. the cylinder went through his side of the wall that separates the firing line from the loading table but didn't make it all the way through to us (I was loading my guns at the time)
  10. high in Houston on Feb 5 is supposed to be 81°
  11. glad(?) to hear Violet and I aren't the only ones with this problem. We're the last street on our letter carrier's route and will be missed 1-2 times a week seems to be a systems-wide problem. guess it still beats the Pony Express
  12. you're pretty as the Sun shining off the dew on a new barbed wire fence
  13. Powers Metal Works out of LA. used to be in Houston area https://powersmetalworks.com/
  14. 10-4 Good Buddy on that call
  15. https://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2025/01/23?ct=v&cti=2150621
  16. https://www.gocomics.com/chucklebros/2025/01/23?ct=v&cti=2150621 ▲ name of the comic
  17. Read Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson on GoComics.com https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2025/01/23
  18. Read Pluggers by Rick McKee on GoComics.com | January 23, 2025 https://www.gocomics.com/pluggers/2025/01/23
  19. sent you a PM with an example--wanted to see if it is OK before posting to the forum came from GoComics where they say how to send a link to others cr
  20. wonder if they will hold 10 rounds??
  21. ice forming on streets where snow has melted
  22. knowledge is power no matter how you attain it. I, too, learned this trick after the fact
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